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note: special, extra long, fluffy au as a thank you for one hundred followers—your support means the world to me.

synopsis: in a world where soulmates recieve matching tattoos on the inside of their wrists at the age of 13, brett and eddy struggle to find each other.

warnings: mild mentions of suicide/self harm.


it was the night of his 22nd birthday, and eddy was drinking alone in his apartment. sad? yes. incredibly fitting? also yes.

he could've gone out to drink, sure, but he didn't think he could bear to see all the couples out, celebrating together. he could've invited friends over, but that created the same issue. they would bring their soulmates and then he'd be third wheeling with 4 couples simultaneously.

unfortunately, eddy was what people liked to call a "late bloomer." after soulmate marks developed at the age of 13, many people found their match around 15, 18 at the latest. and then there was eddy. turning 22, no soulmate in sight.

they said that everyone had one, that there was a match for all 7 billion people on earth. but eddy wasn't so sure. he'd never met someone who was as old as him and soulmate-less. there were tales of people waiting until 30 to find their soulmates, but those were always exaggerated, the stuff of mere legend. besides, eddy had already decided he'd kill himself if he were soulmate-less by the age of 25. the years were ticking by.

this night wasn't different from many others. eddy was alone, sitting on his couch, wearing the same clothes he had been for the past few days. the alcohol was a bit of a special occasion, he didn't let himself drink that much too often. but now, seeing he as he was turning 22, he supposed it didn't matter. most people who had reached their twenties and had yet to find their match usually went mad anyways. they either became manically depressed or violent, and had to eventually become medicated or hospitalized until their soulmate turned up. eddy figured he was more on the depressed end of the spectrum. he had a bottle of pills that his doctor had prescribed to him years ago, but they weren't potent enough to make any difference. his doctor was too afraid of him overdosing, so she never gave him anything strong.

but tonight was one of those nights that eddy wanted to drink until he passed out so that he could numb the longing sadness that ate away at his insides.

and that's exactly what he did.


only about 20 miles away, brett was drinking too.

drinking water as he downed his pills inside of his hospital room.

well, to be fair, it technically wasn't a hospital room.

he lived in a state-controlled facility for so called "late bloomers." he'd been there for about a year now, ever since he'd attempted suicide on his 22nd birthday. now, he was freshly 23, still soulmate-less and depressed as ever. the pills he was required to take by the doctors might as well just have been made of sugar, because they definitely didn't make brett feel any less sad. then again, it probably didn't help that brett barely left his room. he had no reason to, really. everyone in the facility was between the ages of 18-20, besides him of course, and usually only stayed for a couple months until the facility managed to find their soulmates. it wasn't worth it to make friends. and brett never bothered to ask for assistance in finding his soulmate, mostly because he'd given up on the idea that he even had one in the first place. everyday the nurses promised that he did, but he never believed them. he'd stopped searching for his soulmate 3 years ago, and vowed that he would never do it again.

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