Chapter 17

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"Hey you wanna go get some supper from the diner with the girls?" Ashley asked, entering my room. I checked the time and it was already 5. "Yeah. Let me change really quick" I said before she nodded and left the room. I changed into my performing clothes, aka, black leather pants, a black and white striped shirt, a leather Jacket, and my knee high black heel boots. "Okay I'm ready!" I yelled grabbing my drumsticks and sticking them down my pants. What? I have nowhere else to put them.

This time, we used my car so I got into the drivers seat an started it up. "Excited for tonight?" I asked, drumming on the steering wheel. "Always. Also my boyfriend is coming to watch" she giggled and I gasped. "Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?" I asked, putting my attention back to the road. "I guess it never came up" she shrugged. I chuckled and lightly punched her shoulder. "I'm so offended you didn't tell me" I fake cried as I pulled into the parking lot. I got out and locked it before going into the diner to see that the other girls were here already. We sat down in the booth and ordered our food.

"I can't wait perform. It's been too long" Marie sighed out and we all agreed. It's been a couple months since we've all had busy schedules. Well more the other girls than me. "Nice outfit" Julian pointed to me. "Oh thanks" I smiled. "So, does anyone else have a secret boyfriend that I don't know about?" I asked and they all shook their heads. "Who has a boyfriend that we don't know about?" Erin asked and I pointed to Ashley. "What's his name?" I asked. "Saul" "Hudson?" I asked and she nodded with furrowed eyebrows. "Yeah. How do you know him?" She asked. "Him and Nikki hang out" I shrugged, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh" she said and stared at the table. After we ate, we headed out and got into separate vehicles. It was Ashley and I obviously, and then the others in Marie's car. "You know, Saul is a hottie" I smirked over to her. "You've also met him?" "Of course" I replied. The drive to the whisky was pretty silent, and once we got there, we went inside and backstage. I drummed on my knees the beat to some songs that we were playing tonight. A little bit later, it was time to go on stage so we walked out and got applause. This isn't our first time here so the normal bar goers, know who we are.

We started with 'come and hang' and then moved down the list. By the end, the sweat was pouring down my face. We all did a quick bow and then left the stage. We walked out to the bar area and I went up to the counter. "Can I get a beer?" I asked the bartender and then nodded before serving it to me. "You know, your band is great" he smiled. "Thanks" I replied, walking away to find whoever. I spotted Ashley with Saul so I went over to them. "Hey guys" I smiled, entering there conversion. "Oh hey Elle" Saul smiled and I gladly returned. "Hey Saul" I replied, giving him a quick hug. "I go by Slash now" he winked and I chuckled.

I looked over to Ashley and she was biting her lip with a nervous look on her face. "Ash, you okay?" I asked and she looked up at me. "Y-yeah. I'm fine" she smiled but I could clearly see through it. "Hey Slash, we'll be right back" I said, emphasizing his name. I dragged her to the bathroom. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked, checking the last stall to make sure no one was in there. "I-I'm scared you're gonna steal Slash" she mumbled. "Listen to me, I'm not gonna steal him from you. I can tell how much he means to you by the look in your eyes. Trust me, I know Slash and he's a sweetheart, plus I have Tommy" I smiled and she sighed out. "Thanks I really needed that" "no problem. It's what friends do" I smiled giving her a hug.

I walked out with her back to Slash and then left to find Tommy. Nikki, Tommy, Mick, and Julie were all sitting at a table so I sat down with them. They were too invested in conversion to notice I was there. "Hey" I said and they all looked at me. "Elle!" Tommy squealed, wrapping his arms around my body. I hugged back. I loved the feeling of being in his arms. I "You did great up there" Nikki smiled and I thanked him. "Your drum skills are getting really good" Julie commented. "Well, it's all because of this man child" I chuckled, wrapping my arm around Tommy.

Julia cooed and I flipped her off before taking another sip of my drink. "So when are you moving in?" Mick asked. "Not sure. Hopefully the end of the week" I shrugged. "Hey guys. Um I'm gonna head back to Slash's place, so you have the house to yourself" Ashley said, throwing me the house keys. "Have fun but not too much fun" I shouted over the loud music and she flipped me off. "Are they a thing now?" Nikki asked, eyeing them. "Yep. I didn't even know until earlier today" I shrugged. "Well, I should probably head out now. See you guys soon" I waved, getting up.

I got into my car and then someone knocked on the window. It was Tommy. "Yes?" I asked, rolling it down. "I was hoping I could come back to your place with you?" He asked. I sighed before nodding so he got into the passenger seat. I lit up a cigarette and inhaled before driving off. "You smoke now?" Tommy asked, surprised. He knew I'd never do something like this. "Uh yeah. I started the day after R-Razzle passed" I stuttered out. Once I parked, we both got out and went into the house.

This chapter has been edited 🖤

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