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Gauri's pov

"Mummaa!!!! They are doing it again" Mia yelled rushing into the kitchen...

Anika bhabhi and Bhavya rolled their eyes thinking about the 'it' Mia mentioned.....

Mia is our 16 year old daughter....and she is complaining against her brothers....

My 19 year old Aadi who is at home for his summer break from his university.....

He is already a college boy....how fast time flies....

18 year old Ansh....shivaay bhaiyya's and Anika bhabhi 's younger son ....Ryan and Rohit....Rudy bhaiyya's and Bhavya 's 18 and 16 year olds ......

So you see Mia is the youngest and these guys are fiercely protective of her....

Not that they are not protective about their elder sister Anaya who is now 20 and at college.... secretly dating a guy in her college....

Not exactly a secret....because we the momma bears know about her dating...even Mia has an idea...though she is too young to know about dating!!

Haa!! Who am I kidding....My young daughter knows everything about dating and boys...and she loves drooling over handsome guys...which irritate her brothers even more....

Haa....so we were talking about the 'it'

"What did they do now" Anika bhabhi asked as we three followed Mia to the pool side were we can hear the loud boisterous laugh of the 4 boys....

As we reached we saw Mia's classmate Ishan standing near the pool completely drenched in water....

"What happened to him??" I asked in horror...

"Why don't you ask you favorite son??" She asked gritting her teeth....

"Aadi...what did you do??"

"Nothing momma...we were just checking whether he knows swimming or not" he said winking at his brothers...

"Really??" Bhavya asked raising her eyebrows fully in ACP mode to bring out the truth....

"Yes chachi....and yeah...he is a clumsy swimmer too....not good enough" Ansh said supporting his bhai....

"Not good enough for what??" Anika bhabhi asked....

That got them!!

I took a fresh fry towel from the pool side and handed it over to Ishan....

He quickly dried himself and ran out of the house calling a quick goodbye at Mia...

"Wimp" Ryan muttered earning a glare from Mia....

"Now boys...go and have a shower and meet me in exactly 15 minutes in the study room..." I said sternly and Aadi rolled his eyes and walked towards me....

"That toad was trying to kiss her" he whispered in my ears but unfortunately Mia heard that....

"He was not!!" Mia yelled at him....

"He was" boys said in unison earning a huff from Mia before she stomped out ....

"That was not fair boys" bhabhi said

"What are you saying...that we should have let that low life kiss her" Ansh whisper yelled at his mom....

"Watch you tone boys..."

"She has a crush on him" Rohit said as he being only months elder than Mia is in the same class as she is....

"Did she say that??" Bhavya asked

"She doesn't have to....I can see them stealing glances at each other in the class room....and the goofy smile on her face when he talks to her....it is really starting to get on my nerves" Rohit ground out clenching his fist....

"No worries...he won't come near her after today" Aadi said proud of what they did to the poor guy...

"That is not the way to deal with you sister's crushes...what if they were really meant to be together" I asked

"Chachi...he is a weak guy....he couldn't even deal with her brothers...how would he deal with the senior Oberois....Mia needs someone who is strong enough to deal with her family" Ryan said..

"Why are we talking about her love life...she is only 16....she won't be dating until she turns 25...." Aadi said in a stern voice....

"Really?? How old is your girlfriend my dear son??" I asked him raising an eyebrow....

"That's different Mummaa.....I'm a guy and I know guys...." he said

"That's so sexist of you" Bhavya admonished...

"What is going on ladies??" We turned around to see Omkaraji standing their looking at us with a confused look on his face...

"Well....ask your son's...and knock some sense into them..." I said and we three walked out of the poolside.....

Om's pov

"What happened boys??Why are they angry" I asked them...

"Chachu...do you remember one Ishan I told you about a few days back..." Rohit asked

Yeah!! Ishan....the little trap who is trying to steal my baby....

"Yeah!!" I said

"Well!! He was here today" Ryan said

"Damn!! Why did you let him inside our home. .." I asked

"Don't worry chachu...he won't come here again" Ansh said

"Why?? What did you do??" I asked a small grin forming on my face thinking of what the boys did to frighten him...

"We dunk him in the pool" Aadi said proudly

"Damn!! Missed it" I said hi-fi ing the boys

"Seriously?? Is this how you knock sense into them" we heard the angry voice of my lovely wife.....

I turned around and smiled at her pulling her into my arms and kissed her square on her mouth without minding the boys standing around....

By now they must be used to their parents romancing without a shame....

"Aren't they too old to do this??" Rohit whispered to his elder brothers but I heard it...

"I will never be old when it comes to my Gauri" I yelled after them before resuming what I was doing....

A/n :-

Sorry guys for taking too long to update the epilogue ...

It is very short....but I hope you guys like it....

Thank-you so much for all your support all through the story....

It was a wonderful journey....which wouldn't have been a success without your love and support....

Keep supporting me on my ongoing book too....

Love you guys....😘😘😍😍

Gonna miss this story

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