Chapter 9: Dance

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It's finally the day of Akashi's father's dinner party and you are getting prepared in your room.

The whole week up until now has gone pretty well. You didn't really see the other GoM for some reason that much. You only really saw Akashi of course. Also during that week Akashi had taken you to your practices and finally you've warmed back up to him. Since after you two kissed nothing really romantic has happened though.

Akashi's maids had helped you get ready for the dinner party. And can I say you look beautiful! After looking yourself in the mirror for a little while, Akashi came through the door.

"(First Name), the party's about to-" he stops when he notices you.

His eyes widen. "Wow, aren't you beautiful,"

You blush like crazy!

"R-Really? Thanks," you look away.

Akashi blinks a few times and grabs your hand.

"Come on let's go," he smiles and leads out of the room.

You nod and smile back.

It seems the dinner party had already started and there are already a bunch of people in the mansion. You're starting to get a bit nervous. But you have no idea why.

"That's a lot of people," you say in awe.

"You need to get used to it, since you'll be around for a while," he said calmly still holding your hand.

"R-Right....may I ask when do you think I'll be able to leave?" you ask.

He looks towards you. "Hmm? Now's not the time to talk about this we'll discuss it later," he said then finally walked away.

You were about to call out to him but he was already talking to someone. What are you going to do just stand and look around. Oh wait maybe you could find Kuroko or one of the boys. You immediately start to look around.

Before long someone taps your shoulder. You turn around to see a fairly young women maybe in her mid 20s.

"Excuse me, but are you (Last/First Name)?" she asks.

"Uh yes," you hesitated for a moment.

"Hi I'm Seijuro's cousin, it's nice to meet you," she held out her hand and smiled.

"O-Oh it's nice to meet you too," you took her hand and gently shook it.

"You're probably wondering how I know you, well how about we talk for a bit? Shall we?" she gestures you towards a couch.

"O-Okay," you walk over to the couch and sit down, she sits down beside you.

"So first things first are you Seijuro's girlfriend?"

You immediately blush. "N-No, of course not!" you protested.

"Really? Because the way he talks about you, it just seems like you two would be together," she sounds a little disappointed.

"Akashi-kun talks about me?" your blush lightens.

"All the time! He always mentions how beautiful and smart you are! Sometimes he gets lost in thought because he's thinking about you," she says cheerfully.

"All the time?" you blush more now.

"Well whenever I see him, and that's about every other Sunday,"

"I see," you smile a bit.

"And that smile!" she grabs your shoulders and looks you right in the eye.

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