Chapter 14: Friendzoned

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This was an idea from @ShyAwkwardTurtle. I just loved the idea.


You take a couple of minutes to think. Then you finally make your decision.

"I'm sorry, but I can't choose," you sigh in relief, after you got that off your chest.

They look at you in shock. They could have sworn that you liked one of them. You could see a little vain popping out of Akashi's head.

"What?" asks Akashi.

"I really am sorry, I just don't feel that way about any of you. Please don't take this personally," you hide yourself under the blanket.

"W-Why! (Last Name)cchi!" Kise whines.

"W-Well, I mean first of all you all kidnapped me, and drank lots of my blood," you say, coming out of the blankets. "Also you guys didn't leave me alone, you're all way too clingy," you cross your arms.

They all gasp. "B-But you never said that you forgive us," says Kise tears spilling from his eyes.

"Yeah I was l lying, I didn't want you guys to feel bad," you say casually.

"(Last Name)cchi!!" Kise cries on your bed.

"Yeah sorry guys, but that's how I've felt this whole time. I mean still like you guys and all, just not, in, that, way," you say.

Everyone, but Kise, give you a deadly stare. You tense up a bit. Hopefully nothing bad will happen.

"You're such a sneek (First Name)," Akashi chuckles.

"Haha yeah...." you laugh nervously.

"We should all go now, let her rest in peace and quiet," says Akashi standing up.

They all nod, and follow Akashi out of the room.

Hehe, they believed me hehe. Now I can go back to my secret homeland. Hehe.

Plot twisted ending!: You were secretly a demon out to get them for sucking all your blood! Muhahahaha!!!!!


Okay that proably wasn't funny, but you know I try.

Well that was officially the last chapter of this story. I will be writing more GoM x Readers soon. Thank you to ShyAwkwardTurtle for this hilarious and fabulous idea. I appriciate it!

Anyways I hope you all of an amazinf rest of your day, and I'll be back soon for more!

alfel8727 (Al)

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