33.- Tough and shared day

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Vol looked defeated and sighed. "Okay... I'll tell you what Ryan means to me if you don't tell anyone, unless he says so." The two swore to keep the secret. "Well... it's not easy... I see Ryan as..." He looked to the side, blushing a little. "As if he was... my son."

Judy couldn't hide her smile. "We already knew it, your behavior, your way of acting with him and the affection you feel towards that kangaroo."

"Maybe yes, even if he's Gloria Clinton's adopted son... I want to keep him around for as long as possible. I don't know what will happen after all this, but... I want to continue doing activities with him." He lowered his head.

"I doubt that Gloria will let you do that when this is all over... but we are going to fight to stop her being his mother. He seems to enjoy time with you." A relaxed Nick smiled.

Vol looked up at him. "That's what I'm afraid of. If Ryan goes back to her, he'd lose all contact, he'd get worse, and we wouldn't be able to do anything." He sighed and lowered his gaze again.

"Well, let's go back to the apartment, maybe there you'll get rid of all of the bad thoughts. It'll be good to have a sleep." The bunny wanted to cheer up her partner, which worked, since he raised his head.

"You know what? You're right. The best thing to do now is to go to sleep because the hard part comes tomorrow and... Oh, no..." The couple looked at him doubtfully. "I don't have the right outfit to go to the funeral and everything is closed."

"Don't worry, tomorrow morning we'll go and buy the one that fits you the best. We have until 12 o'clock in the morning to get a suitable suit." The little officer reassured him.

Vol nodded and followed his hosts into the apartment. His head was a sea of doubts, feelings that affected him, many things were going around his mind. Still, there was no point in him thinking too much, it wouldn't do him any good, so he followed Nick and Judy in their conversations, heading to the apartment to sleep. He made a short trip to that place that, in part, that blue fox with physical and mental fatigue missed, a place to slightly forget about the problems that tormented him and find a little peace in a gap of rest. They arrived and opened the door, all three of them looking tired and wanting to catch a well-earned sleep.

"Ugh... I can't wait until I get to bed, I'm exhausted." The bunny commented.

"The energetic Judy tired, who would have thought!" Nick's mischievous smile showed up, but Judy just yawned.

"I'll let the joke slide for this time, I'm too tired to answer. Let's go, you dumb fox." Even so, she showed a smile.

Vol said goodbye to both of them as they walked through the door. "Until tomorrow, sleep well." He smiled when he heard his companions respond to the goodnight farewell and wish the blue fox the same. He opened the sofa bed and undid it, taking off Nick's shirt he was wearing, but leaving his pants on to sleep comfortably. He got into bed, with accumulated fatigue, ready to sleep soundly, which didn't take him long, since, after a couple of minutes thinking, he fell asleep as if he were hypnotized.

The next morning, Judy went to wake up Vol, who was still fast asleep and wouldn't open his eyes no matter the situation. The rabbit was shaking his mate, but he wouldn't wake up from the slumber he was having, so Nick had a plan: Water in the face. He picked up a glass of water, filled it, and without warning poured it onto Vol's face, who suddenly got awake, jumping with a gasp.

"Hey, what a disgusting way to wake me up!"

"I was shaking you and you didn't move, big lazy!" The fox's companion mocked him.

"Ugh... I was very sleepy. Well now I'm fine." Vol put his paw on his head and showed a smile.

"Perfect for shopping. Better go now or time will catch up with us." Nick commented, shrugging with a slight smile.

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