46.- The end of the terrorists?

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As the loud explosion was heard, Odin covered his ears for a short period of time until he could recover. He looked up to see the boss' shadow running out of the gaping hole.

"You won't get away!" The wolf didn't hesitate and followed him out. The exterior was bathed in the darkness of the night and some lights in the middle of the scene of what looked like a war. Odin arrived coughing from the dust inhaled from the explosion, but kept his composure. "Surrender! You have no escape, criminal."

The okapi smiled and turned around. "Now those who have good intentions against the bad ones are called criminals." He laughed. "And I prefer that you call me by my first name: Sawa Bankole, pleased to meet you."

"I don't reciprocate your pleasure to meet me, terrorist. Now... Turn yourself in!" He steadily pointed the gun at the herbivore boss. "I have the terrorist cornered, come here, Vaaranen and Connor!"

The soldier kept aiming firmly at the criminal, without giving up his efforts, watching his movements, waiting for the slightest to shoot him. For his part, the okapi remained calm, as if he had won, without showing an iota of fear in front of Colonel Odin. As the military companions arrived, the wolf heard a motor in the sky, something moving. Without taking his eyes too far from his target, he looked up to see a helicopter approaching.

"What the hell?!" He took the communication device. "Corporal Howl! What's a helicopter doing over this area?! We haven't called for air support!" He was clearly angry.

"A helicopter? Radar doesn't show me anything, Colonel. If I had seen it, I'd have warned you." The dog with a slight blue tint was surprised. "They may have a signal jammer on that vehicle."

Calming down a bit but not too much, Odin responded. "A signal jammer?" He looked at the air transport again and saw that machine guns were pointed at them. "Take cover!" He jumped after a rectangular metal box. His companions did the same shortly before it started shooting. As the shooting stopped, he tried to see the position of the helicopter. "There it is... Maybe we can take it down..." He took the communication device. "Private Meer, bring out your heavy artillery!"

"At your command, Colonel!" As he replied, the meerkat prepared his heavy machine gun to fire at the attacking vehicle. He took aim lightly and they fired in his direction. "Shit. Colonel, I can't shoot without risking getting hit!"

"This isn't good..." He replied to the soldier as the bullets rained down on them. Still taking cover, the bullets could be heard crashing against the floor, walls, boxes... they just shot everywhere, but never at Sawa Bankole, the okapi who only admired how the soldiers were hidden.

The shots didn't stop when the wolf heard something falling. He raised his head a bit and caught a glimpse of a ladder being dropped from the helicopter, helping the herbivore up. He wanted to draw the gun and start shooting, but saw that they kept their sights on him. At Odin's orders, the rest of the soldiers tried to shoot the vehicle or the criminal, but with a negative result, since they couldn't even aim. It seemed that the terrorist leader's allies had a thousand eyes, they didn't take long to aim at whoever slightly peeked out from above the boxes.

"He can't escape..." Odin prepared a plan. "Soldiers, let's all attack the vehicle together, all or nothing! On my signal!" He pulled out the gun and started to get up. "3!...2!...1!" When he was about to lower his arm and start the attack, a flashbang fell, exploding and causing everyone to end up disoriented along with screams of pain. "My eyes! I can't see!"

They all hid the best they could and rubbed their eyes to regain their vision. When they finally could see, the helicopter got away and Corporal Fletcher Howl could detect nothing of the air vehicle. With a gesture of rage, Odin smashed his fist into the box that served as his temporary shield. Even so, he got up and put the weapon away, waiting for the rest of his team. Nick and Judy took the opportunity to get closer when they saw that it was all over.

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