11.- The great day begins

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After a great dinner prepared by Vol and a few laughs afterwards, the three of them went to sleep to start the next day, a day that would be special for the blue fox, since he'll start at the academy. The dark being that saved his life when he needed it the most was still in his mind, but it'd be foolish to not sleep because of it, he told himself as he began to fall asleep and closed his eyes, finally, sleeping peacefully.

The next morning, Vol got up to prepare breakfast with all the good faith he had in every corner of his being, ready to thank the mammals who took him in and gave him shelter when he never had anything in Zootopia.

"Hello, Vol, were you able to sleep well?" Judy was the first to get up, waving at the blue fox and rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Oh yes, perfectly, thanks for asking." The vulpine smiled as he turned around.

The rabbit smiled back. "By the way, I forgot to give you some good news: Due to what was shown yesterday against the rats and their confession, they've removed the physical fighting training phase in the academy. But, on the other hand, you can't go to investigate the way you were yesterday until you are a police officer, it was very risky and they forbade you to do so."

Vol felt that, on the one hand, the novelty was great, one less training to worry about, but not being able to investigate more until he was a policeman made him feel inner affliction but, even so, he didn't give it more importance. "Don't worry, thanks for the news." He smiled slightly.

After Nick got up with a yawn, everyone sat down and had breakfast, commenting on yesterday's experience, full of anecdotes and preparing for the new day. Vol put on what he had of clothes to go to the academy, knowing that they'd give him another clothes to train to be a policeman. Once they were ready, they got in the car and headed to the police station, where they would tell Vol where to start. They got out of the car and both said goodbye to the blue fox on another morning smelling of coffee and donuts in the place.

Vol was taken to the outskirts of Zootopia in a bus with many more mammals, where the academy was taking place. There they gave him clothes to train, keeping his' in a locker set up for him for the next few months, besides of a room where he'd stay the time that the training lasted. He changed into the dark blue sport clothes they gave him and went to the area enabled to train in each zone, in each type of environment, since they would have to endure many hardships.

A polar bear in the same suit raised her voice, addressing everyone who was there, ready to train. Her voice was strong, she made the mammals that heard her feel respect. She wasn't someone to take lightly. "This won't be a bed of roses, here only are the strongest and the most capable mammals to protect our city even at the cost of their lives! Do you think you can match the brave policemammals out there? Show me that you are capable of defending Zootopia by passing these tests!"

Vol didn't fall apart and started giving his all in training, starting with the ice wall. He tried to climb it but he slipped and hit his muzzle on the wall, bleeding a bit from his nose. When the bear was just about to say 'You're dead!', she saw that Vol got out of the cold water with determination, frowning and focused, beginning to climb, with great agility and effort, that wall of ice that was hard for him at first, showing that he wasn't going to fall so easily. The instructor saw that determination that the fox had and her impression was clear, opening her eyes wide. It was just what she was looking for in an officer.

The next test required effort as well: Holding on tight to the monkey bars and passing by only using their paws. Vol started trying to cross it, without stopping his efforts. He slipped on the fifth bamboo bar, hanging by one arm, but held on again with his other paw and carried on with an unbreakable spirit, biting his lower lip. "I will not fall, I will give it my all!" The fox repeated to himself in his head.

After several more tests, the day ended and Vol looked exhausted but victorious; he had managed to overcome several obstacles and could do everything else without major problems, he felt like it. It was a hard day, but he was set on not falling or fainting, he was going to complete the training at whatever cost.

The next day he returned to the place with a smile and frowning. The confidence was all over his face. He had more physical tests to prove his strength. They put weights that went from less heavy to more, up to a weight that was quite difficult to lift, which is where Vol felt a bit beaten, but he wouldn't give up. The first weights weren't hard for him, he reached the medium ones and it was slightly difficult for him. "Come on, Vol, do it..." He was always motivating himself in his mind. He reached the final weights but, as expected, he couldn't lift them, despite his vain efforts. "Come on!" He went at it again, he went for them and slightly raised them, although not more than the base of his knees, he couldn't take it anymore and released them. "Shit..." He was panting. "I wasn't able to lift them..." However, the instructor saw Vol willing to lift those weights impossible for someone like the blue fox and felt that he had a lot of fighting spirit and mental strength in him, something that, clearly, the bear was looking for and a smile on her face showed that.

The next test consisted of passing through different surfaces, from glass to soft walls. In the same area, there were some protector suits for this test, in order to avoid unnecessary cuts and damages. Everyone present, except for the instructor, put on their protections to begin.

The bear raised her voice again. "Keep in mind that this is a test and therefore you are protected, but in real life you may have to face the situation of 'find your own way out' and you won't have protections! So... Go ahead! Show me that you aren't afraid of that!" She wanted to make the potential future officers show their courage.

Vol was shaking a bit, but it was nothing he hadn't already done in his world. He went to a window and charged at it, putting his elbow in front of him, going through it and doing a professional somersault on the floor. Now was time for a corroded wooden wall. He kicked it and broke it, if he did it like when he broke the glass, he'd have received damage, the best solution is to use a part knowing that he wouldn't receive such damage. He managed to pass the first and second obstacles but... what about the third one? He was face to face against the ultimate challenge: A soft wall carrying a sack of potatoes, simulating a life he had to save. He tried to break it with his shoulder but it didn't work, and neither did a kick. "You're running out of time!" The instructor yelled. He had no choice; he took some steps back and charged with his shoulder and... broke the wall, going through it. In the fall, he covered the sack with his body, even sore after such a blow. He winced, gritting his teeth but stood up, panting and aching a little, hissing to lessen the pain feeling on his shoulder. The instructor was impressed by his courage and strength, enduring hurt and pain against everything, getting up and, more importantly, protecting a life. She was satisfied, she saw that Vol was strong, but he had to show if he could be able to do all that he already did every day in his laboral life. Only time and endeavor would tell.

The night came and he felt that he had fulfilled, with pain, but done. He put some liniment where he felt aching and tried to sleep the best he could. "It has been tough but... I'm going to do it. I'll get it." He closed his eyes feeling like he'll make it, perking up in his mind like he ever did. He could sleep well thinking about the work he did and the confidence he had that he would get it done.

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