7.- Under a roof of affection

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Texsly answered his colonel. "Well... We've discovered a component of his DNA that gives his fur that color. It's strange on the one paw, but meaningful on the other one."

Odin saw the evidence and read it carefully. "It's something never seen, possibly in his world it's more natural." He put the paper on the table. "I'm going to call him to find out some details."

Texsly gave the phone to Odin, who dialed Judy's phone, because she knew that the blue fox from another world didn't have any kind of contact or anywhere to stay. The wolf knew that the both of them would have him close. Or, at least, they'd know where he'd be.

After arriving at the apartment, Nick and Judy made themselves comfortable. The apartment was small, just enough to live for those who live there now. Upon getting in, the kitchen was at their right side. Reaching the main room, there was a hall that extended to their right, where the room of Nick and Judy was, in front of the bathroom. Going forward in the main room, there was a small and simple terrace. The walls were dark green, they didn't have time to reform it and they were a bit deteriorated. The sofa, just enough for the three of them and with the possibility of using it as a bed. A small table in front of the sofa and a television hanging on the wall just to have a little bit of relax. Still, even though the place seemed daunting, Vol couldn't feel better, he finally found a shelter in which to be and live and even get comfortable. The blue fox looked around, remembering what it was like to live between four walls and a roof to avoid bad weather, rain or even hail.

The three sat on the sofa, but as soon as they accommodated themselves, Judy received a call. She took the cell phone out of her pocket to answer after hearing the melody and noticing the vibration.


She recognized the mammal who answered, due to his British accent. "Officer Hopps? I'm Colonel Odin Harou, is Mr. Jimenez with you?"

"Yes, he's with us," she looked at the one mentioned, "what do you need from him?" The curious rabbit asked wonderingly.

"We have discovered something new about him in a test, related to his DNA. If you'd be so kind as to give him the phone, I'd appreciate it."

"O-Of course, Colonel." She didn't hesitate and gave the phone to a relaxed Vol, who took it without knowing what all this was about, raising his eyebrow.

He put the cell phone to his ear and answered. "Hello, who is it?"

"I'm Colonel Odin Harou, we have here the result of one of the tests on your DNA..." He took the paper up again. "It seems that you have a component in your DNA that makes you have that distinctive fur. Let me ask you: Did your parents have the same fur? Any relatives did?"

Vol shook his head and replied. "No, no one in my family has the same fur as me, not even my ancestors." He sighed. "And I'm not adopted either if that's the next question."

"Do you have evidence that you haven't been adopted by your current parents?"

The fox frowned a bit. "Not physical proof, but I can assure you, colonel, that at the time I lived in that house, there were photos of me as a baby in my stroller, being carried by them, who gave me life, my parents. They've always been there for me." The answer had a tone that indicated his annoyance.

Odin caressed the lower part of his muzzle, trying to find an explanation and spoke covering the microphone of the phone to avoid being heard. "If he always had that fur, it couldn't be from the drugs either... Maybe it's since he was born..." He removed his paw from the microphone. "Okay, we will continue investigating your case. If there are any updates, I'll call you." Just as he was about to hang up, he said something else. "Before hanging up, I'll tell you that we have ordered a psychologist for you. You'll have to meet him at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning to start with him. His location is south of the Watering Hole Plaza. We ordered it to try to unlock your memories and try to take the weight off from your past."

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