𝐳𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 |ᴊᴜɴɢ ʜᴏsᴇᴏᴋ|

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"okayyyyyyyuh? so what? kikyo's a dumb bitch inuyasha doesnt want her any more. kagome is in right now why are we still dwelling on the past?" des ranted about inuyasha to her boyfriend who was intently listening to everything that she was saying.

"i agree she already died and was reincarnated as kagome so she's basically meeting herself so it doesnt make sense." hoseok brought up. "I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY BABE WHAT?!" hoseok just laughed staring lovingly at his girfriend over the phone.

"hey it must be late in korea i'm gonna let you sleep babe." des said with a sad smile. seok pouted denying all allegations of him being somewhat tired. "i'm fine! i can stay up longer!"des shook her head before telling hoseok how much she loves him and good night.

hoseok stopped being stubborn and said it back before hanging up and falling into a deep sleep.

during the day des helped her family around tbe house and made sure nobody had to go outside due to the sudden pandemic that started in march. it was now july and hoseok had some time off because of previously mentioned pandemic.

des and hoseok talked on the phone like they were together. but because she couldnt go back to her home in korea it was hard for them to communicate.

she was bummed out at how she could barely see her wonderful boyfriend in person but came up with an alternative, 'zoom dates'. basically getting dinner and facetiming or calling on zoom to watch a movie over the phone.

she planned on telling hoseok when he woke up so that he could tell her his opinion on it, but until then des helped around the house keeping everyone sane.

texting "babyboo seok❤️"

bebe!! i have an idea
you can just read this when you
wake up!

babyboo seok❤️:
i'm awake :D
what's your idea?

ohh okay i wanted to do a
zoom date with you 👉🏽👈🏽

babyboo seok❤️:
of course!!
what would we do?

i had planned us eating dinner
while on zoom then watching a movie
maybe talk a bit after and yeah

babyboo seok❤️:
that sounds perfect love!
what time?
im free whenever

at [reasonable time]
dont be late :p

babyboo seok❤️:
okay love see you then🥰

see you <3

des smiled excited that she has the chance to have a, somewhat, date with her boyfriend. with this feeling of excitement she took a shower and did her makeup though they wouldnt be seeing each other in person. she got the same food as him and they started a zoom call.

hoseok joined the zoom call with a bright smile on his face. "hi my love!" "hi hoseok!" they smiled staring at each other for a bit before they started eating and talking.

"so how was your day?" "it was good! i didn't do much. helped around the house worked on some old projects i didn't get to finish. how was yours?" "mine was good."

the couple talked on and on about nothing in particular and laughed at funny things that came up. the entire call was chill and fun.

"hey...after this entire pandemic passes would you want to go on a date with me?" hoseok suddenly asked. "is that even a question? yes! i would love to!" des smiled at hoseok. though they couldn't kiss each other they still blew kisses at each other when they would want to.

it was a nice night for the two of them filled with laughter and peace. even if it's on the phone.

|hi everybody! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i just wanted to say that this pandemic is still very real and we need to stay inside as much as we can. though there is an official vaccine (that we dont know much about may i add :/) we do need to stay inside and connect over screens. if you MUST go outside then please do. there are times where we need to take a walk for our mental health or if we have a job. please try to stay inside as much ad you can! as you can see hope and hoseok are able to do it i believe that you can too!  have a good day or night and stay safe|

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