Chapter 6

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Darry's POV:

We haven't even fully walked into their room yet and I realize that I'm breathing a lot heavier than normal.
Probably because I'm so worried.

The steady beep, beep, beep of their heart monitors sooth me a bit, and lighten my breathing.

"Mom? Dad?" I say, a little bit louder. I try not to let my voice sound so wobbly, I wouldn't want to scare Pony and Soda, but I'm just as nervous, sad, and upset as they are.

"B-boys?" My mom says, in a voice so quiet and horse that you'd think she was really sick. In reality, you could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't. She was just hurt, real banged up. Both of her legs were in casts and lifted off the bed, one of her arms was in a sling, and her entire face was filled with cuts, scrapes and bruises.

Gosh, this must have been a pretty bad accident.

I looked to our dad, he had a huge bandage around his head, one around his left side, and all of his arms and legs were broken. They looked... terrible, to day the least.

"Mommy!" Pony sobs, and rubs to her side of the bed.

"Hi baby," she whispers, and rubs his hair with her good arm. Gradually, he stops crying.

"Are you guys ok?" Soda asks. I'm silent as can be. "Well, honey... I guess you can tell by-" she stops, her face going pale.

"Mom?" I say. She doesn't respond.

"Mom-" I say a little louder.

Suddenly, one of the heart monitors goes from the steady beep, beep, beep to just a long, plain beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

A nurse comes in almost immediately.

"Was this your mother?" She asks, while doing her job. I nod, and look to dad, who's dead asleep. Wait, maybe dead isn't the right word for it.

Tears well up in my eyes, but I have to be strong for my brothers. The last time I cried was a long time ago, but I never have in front of them.

"I'm so sorry, boys," the nurse says before walking out.

"I talked to her. She really loved you guys. When she talked all she said was how proud she was of the three of you." She leaves us at that, and I'm glad. I wouldn't be able to take much more.

Now that mom's gone, we all walk over to dad's bed on the other side of the room. His eyes immediately open.

"I have a concussion," he says. We stare at him.

"The doctor says I might not make it too much longer. So, I want to tell you this one and I'll make it short and simple," he says. We say nothing back.

"Guys, your mother and I have been together for 25 years now, and anything I've ever done since then has been for her, or one of you. Nobody else. I know it sounds cheesy, but you guys are my world. I am so proud of the men you've become and I love you a lot. I just wish I could make it a little longer. To your next birthdays, one day weddings, graduations," he looks at me when he says it and I shove my hands in my pockets and walk out.

"Dad, I- I'll be right back," I say.

"Wait, Darry. Stay for a few minutes. It's important," he says. I know it is, but I can't bare to be in the room any longer.

My high school graduation is in 6 weeks and 3 days. It seems so close. I need to take a walk, go somewhere, get away for a few minutes. I'll come back in a few minutes and everything'll be ok. He can finish the talk like I never left, I think as I ride the elevator to the bottom floor.

Soon enough, I find myself in the gift show, buying flowers in hopes that it'll lighten up my dad's hospital room now that she's gone. I pay and ride the elevator back up, but as soon as I get back in the room, my heart sinks.

Ponyboy and Soda sit in the corner behind the the door. Pony hugs his legs to his chest and Soda hugs him as they both cry.

I catch a quick glance at my father's body being wheeled out of the room, and suddenly I'm full of anger and regret. Why did I have to leave? Why couldn't I have just waited? Why did this have to happen to my parents? I just didn't get it.

Usually, I might get my anger out by playing football, but this time, I threw those stupid flowers down and stomped on them like a 3 year old. I couldn't believe that both of them were gone.

"C'mon guys," I say, gruffly to my kid brothers, as I drag them up and sprint to the elevator. We drive all the way home in silence, giving me time to think.

I'm 18 now, graduating very soon. Soda's turning 16 next month, and now this. Their missing so much that's coming so soon and it breaks my heart.

Suddenly, I realize something. Something important. We have no other immediate family.

All of my grandparents died when we were young, and we have no aunts, uncles or anything else.

I am Ponyboy and Soda's legal guardian. Their my responsibility now. My stomach drops just thinking about it. Finally, we get home.

"Guys, I have to go to work. Go to bed at a reasonable time tonight, but if you're not feeling up to school tomorrow, that's fine," I tell them, using the same speech I use when I babysit.

Then, I walk out, an hour early for work.

I already misses the rest of school and football practice, but I have to talk to my boss. I have to get a raise, or some extra hours, or a better job, or something.

And thank god, as soon as I get there, he gives me more hours for every afternoon for the next few months, and a raise, too. I still might need another job to go with it, too because I have to support me and 2 hungry kids, now.

A/N: I don't feel like writing anymore but I really hate this chapter and I'm sorry for it, but this story will get better! I promise.

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