Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV:

I stare at my reflection in the full length mirror. I'm wearing a light blue dress with black heels and a headband to hold my hair back. My bangs touch my forehead lightly, but are mostly brushed onto the side, unlike my normal full bangs. I like it this way, I just don't know if he will.

Do I look ok? Will he like it? Questions run through my mind, making me start to sweat. What is he going to think when he sees me? Does he even know who I am?

Ugh, crushes are stressful, I think to myself as I pick up my hairbrush and run it through my long brown hair again. I've done it at least 6 times in the past few minutes. I need to make sure I look perfect for him.

Who's him? My crush, Darry Curtis. Yeah, he's a Greaser, and I'm a Soc, but I don't care. Let's get one thing straight right now, though. I don't believe in that whole Greasers vs Socs thing. I believe in true love. Maybe Darry hasn't asked me out, yet, but I have hope that he will sooner or later. Wanna know why I like him? Thats simple enough. Although he is very, very handsome, he's not like most Greasers. He's not afraid to wear nice clothes sometimes, unlike most Greasers who wear torn up jeans and stained T-shirts. Even though he's captain of the football team, he's not really all that popular, just because he's a Greaser.

Not only that, he cares a LOT about his grades, something I'd want in a guy.

I've never had a real, important boy friend before, that I actually cared about, though. Wanna know why? Because I've had my heart set on winning. him. But that could never happen. Even as a Greaser, he's way too good for me.

Darry's POV:

"Darry, you look so nice!" My mom says as I walk out of my bedroom. I smiled. My mother could always brighten my day.

"It's not too much?" I ask, looking down at my suit jacket and khakis. She was beaming.

"No, sweetie. I think you look lovely. So mature! What is it, picture day today?" She asks. I shook my head.

"No, nothing really special. I just want to look nice for... Her," I explain. My mother nods understandingly. She doesn't know who her is exactly, but she was a girl once too. She understands this stuff.

Suddenly, my younger brothers, Ponyboy and Soda run out of the room that they share.

"I'm gonna get you, Pony," Sodapop screeches, chasing him into the kitchen. I laugh and follow them in.

"You look nice, Dar," Soda says. I smile.

"Thanks, Little Buddy," I say.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Ponyboy asks.

Before I have a chance to respond my mother says, "To impress a girl!" I turn a deep shade of cherry red.

"Oooh," my brothers say in unison, and I can't help but laugh.

"Does Darry have a girlfriend?" Soda teases. I shake my head.

"Not yet. But I'm planning on asking her out today. I just don't know if she'll say yes..."

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