Chapter 23

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The last chapter of Mean Socs is dedicated to the real Beka. The one that inspired me to write it, the one that obsessed over it from the beginning, my best friend. I'm still not exactly sure what happened, but this to the Beka I met back in November, that made this the cover of this story for me.

Elizabeth's POV:

"Beka, are you coming home for the summer?" I ask into a payphone, tugging on my leather jacket with one hand. I haven't talked to her since the wedding in December, but it's worth a shot. Maybe we can rent a place in Tulsa for the summer and I'll go back to school next year.

"No, I'm living with Dally now, full time. You know that. Why?" She asks. Suddenly, someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, miss. I need to use the phone. Are you almost finished?" She asks. I nod. Her voice sounds oddly familiar, and sends a chill down my spine.

"Yeah, just give me one second please," I whisper, not looking at the woman. Then I go back to Beka.

"I gotta go. I'll call you as soon as I get a chance. Although that might be a while," I say, picking my suitcase up off of the ground. I didn't exactly think through where I would go once I left.

"Wait, Elizabeth. Something's wrong. Why is it so loud in there? Is everything ok with you and Darry?" She asks. I pause for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

"Nope.... We broke up," I say after a moment.

"Well.... Where are you staying? With your mom?" She asks. I sigh. When was the last time I even talked to my mom? When I told her about Darry and I? When she cut me off?

"No. I haven't talked to her in.... forever," I say. Beka gasps.

"Elizabeth, you need a place to stay! Find a place for tonight, and then call me tomorrow. We'll fly you out her as soon as possible!" She yells into the phone.

"O-ok...." I whisper, finally realizing what I'm going to be losing. Everything. My family. My husband. My life...

"Well, I gotta go. Bye," I say, holding back tears as I hang up.

"I'm done with the phone. Sorry I took so long," I say. That's when I look at the girl who wanted to use it.

"Jewel?" I gasp. The girl laughs.

"I was waiting for you to notice! How've you been?" She asks, hugging my neck. I shrug.

"I've been better."

"So I heard about you and that Darry guy. I can't believe you ever went out with him anyways! What did he have going for him, looks? Bet didn't have any money, though. Especially after his parents died," She says. I want to scream that he has so much going for him, that he's the most amazing, handsome, smart, independent man that I've ever met, but I don't. I can't right now. It's too soon, and I'm still hurt by what he said.

"So you need a place to stay?" She asks, since I didn't respond to her last statement.

"Y-yeah. That would be great," I say, even though I really don't want to with her. If being with Darry taught me one thing it's that it shouldn't matter what social class you are, love is love, and friendship is friendship. If you really care about someone, you won't make fun of the people they care about.

"Cool. Let's go. You can stay at my place," She says. I smile instead of saying thank you. It seems like a good idea, but how am I going to get the money for a plane ticket later on? I don't have a job. Or a husband to provide for me anymore. I'm on my own....

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