Chapter 3

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     Throughout the day, I thought of Kale. To find that if I didn’t have powers, he was really cute with his 6’1 frame and dirty blonde hair that is short but slightly shaggy. But to top it off, he had straight, bright blue eyes that sucked something out of you when you looked at him at the perfect moment. Of course I wasn’t the only one that noticed his charm and looks.

    Most of the student body wanted a piece of him and it was only his first day. I actually felt bad for him since the first girls that threw themselves at him already had boyfriends and were the top sluts of the school, this including the devil, dummy Laura. I mean during at least two periods she pushed cleavage and shortened her mini skirt just to get his eyes on her. Soon, I could tell he wasn’t the type to fall for the pity act of the girls that threw themselves at him. He simply told them that he wasn’t interested. So, the more he acted this way the more I wished I hadn’t commanded what I did, but that was a small part of me that told me this. The rest of my sanity told me it would get too difficult and he would consider me a freak to the highest degree and most likely turn me to the evil scientists once he found out what I could do.

    With this said, my day went smoothly, minus the daggers I got from most for ‘stealing the new guy with my lonerness’ which was the new gossip from the one and only Laura. Of course, she was the one that started me being a loner or hobo. I mean come on! I am not a crappy rag doll you can throw around until I turn to shreds. Anyways, the next day lead to the planned command of Kale no longer paying attention, but seeking friends and acting like I don’t even exist. This continued for two years, and I slowly got used to being unknown again; no longer hoped for him to come back to my side. Yet, what came that year was something that would change my life forever.



This is more of a filler chapter. Enjoy!

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