Chapter 9

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I sat class Peter tapped his pencil on his paper my hands began to thrum on the page, nails clacking on the desk I was about to lean back and sighed. "I hate this right now..." I growled when a thundering crash made me jump. Peter jumped onto his feet and glanced at me, people started running as a latge shadow monster pushed itself into the classroom. "Shit..." It was bigger then the last one "oh Sammy...!" It uttered a low hiss making a shiver go down my spine, "Faye??" I asked and the creature hissed grinning creepily "w-what have you done?!" I screamed loudly my eyes wide in shock. "I let it take control!" It hissed and I hit the button on my chest, that connected to my necklace my black super suit covered my body. I shifted into a dire wolf teeth bared I stood in front of Peter, "S-Sammy?" Peter said looking concerned "what do I do?" I glanced at him his bag was behind the monster I growled lowly. I launched towards and slid under my aunt, I grabbed the bag in my teeth and shifted throwing it to Peter. I shifted into a panther and launched at the monster that went to swipe at Peter, I grabbed her arm jerking back and I growled as I was plucked off like I was nothing. "Oh kitten you gotta learn... I have been injecting this into myself for too long" she cooed and I shifted into a T Rex my roar echoed as I launched at her teeth bared, she made a hiss noise then caught me I struggled as her grip tightened considerably. I shifted back I could feel bones breaking, "P-peter!" I screamed as something ran into the monster knocking her over. I looked as my gaze clouded slightly, I could see a confused Colton and an angry looking Caitlin. "Leave her alone!" Spiderman yelled as I looked up my eyes watered as oxygen began going back into my lungs. "Shadowstalker!" Spiderman yelled rushing forward to help me up, "nah ah ha ah" Faye hissed plucking me off the ground "Spiderman!" I screamed loudly my neck in pain. "Shadowstalker!" Spiderman yelled as somehow my aunt teleported and I passed out, "no!" I heard a scream and everything vanished.

Hours later

I awoke in a small concrete room my suit sticking to my body, "hello?" My voice cracked lowly it was dimly lit my throat hurt and my eyes slowly adjusted. "Spiderman...?" I called tears leaving my eyes as I tried to stand but I instantly fell my ankle screamed in pain, I collapsed and screamed "p-please... Find me..." I whimpered looking up at the camera my eyes glowing a bright blue. "Let me out!" I screamed out dryly and a cackle echoed as a dry pop sounded I shrunk back in fear, tears began to fall from my eyes "please... I want to leave... Where am I...?" Fear continued to invade my senses. "Your not going anywhere until you lose control of your serum and become a monster... Until you learn that Spiderman and all your little buddies are slowing you down" she hissed and I growled the serum had now healed the broken ankle, a loud hiss was heard as my aunt laughed and circled around me. "He will not come for you none of them will" she growled making me whimper on the inside, "they do and they will hurt you when they get here" I hissed lowly. I began to tremble as I stood up I shifted into a velociraptor,  my mouth opened in a hiss and growl. "You are not scary your like a mouse" I growled and shifted back eyes narrowed, "sleep" she hissed and my eyes drooped and I passed out completely images flicked past my vision images of my father and images of my mother a tall beautiful  slim figure long black hair and blueish eyes. Her skin was an olive color she smiled I felt arms wrap around my waist and I looked up familiar blue eyes shone and I froze  it was Victor his blonde hair brushed my forehead, "no no no no no no" I screamed and pushed out of his arms tears streaming down my face "G-get away from me" I sobbed moving away from him his eyes gave me a evil feeling his mouth moved into a smirk and a shiver went down my spine. He was 6' 3" and had a black T shirt and blue ripped jeans on he was ripped and was cute when I met him until he started getting mad, "but babe... " he smiled at me and I moved backwards again he used me and abused me and made my life hell he threatened me with a knife and almost killed my dad.  I went all black widow on his ass and was never seen again he tries to call me but I ended the calls again, he came forward again and "your not leaving me that easily" he muttered and I stood standing up but he caught my wrist. "Let go of me!" I screeched shifting into a large tiger and got out of his grip, I shifted back and I was tackled to the ground by Victor "leave me alone!" I yelled as the weight was lifted off of me,  an angry looking Peter had Victor by the arm and yanked him backwards "stay away from her" Peter growled lowly I closed my eyes and opened them again Victor had vanished and Peter had his hand out. I slowly reached up and grabbed his hand it was cold and it felt like rigor mortis "Peter?" his skin turned a light copper color and he slowly vanished in an instant "Peter?!" I yelled fear wracking my body a shadow moved above me and I turned quickly. "You must be Sammy Stark" I shrunk back a tall man purple skin and a golden gauntlet on his hand, "who are you?" I growled my eyes shifted from hazel to neon blue the purple man smirked happily "oh you are special indeed"  I flinched and glared at him "who are you?" I hissed and he smiled "I am Thanos" I growled at him eyes narrowed.  "Leave me alone" I growled and stood up tears streamed down my face Peter was gone and I am pretty sure so is my dad, I huffed and everything slowly faded "Peter..." I mumbled and I sat down tears still poured down my face.

The Wolf and The Spider (Original writing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon