Chapter 6

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I got to my dads place and walked in, Caitlin and Colton were sitting on the couch watching Scream. Bruce, Wanda,  and my dad were in the kitchen talking about something when my dad looked at me and smiled. "Hey dad!" I said and hugged him tightly he was slightly shocked, "good sleep?" He asked and I nodded happily he raised a brow "well it sort of was good... The first hour was nightmare but the rest wasnt" I said smiling. "Lady Sammy!  How have you been?" Thor said smiling brightly and I hugged him, "amazing actually I havent had a bett-" I was cut off when a coughing fit shook my body and I doubled over, "Sam!" My dad said worridly and Pepper came in confused as I coughed. "Shit" I muttered as I recovered and looked at my shirt that was speckled with blood, my phone vibrated in my bag ans I grabbed it.
Privage Number
I looked at my phone in concern as the others looked at me, "just a sec..." I said and unlocked my phone and lioked at the message.
First stage of losing control, coughing fits, blood being coughed up, and moodiness see you soon my neice.
A chill went down my spine in fear and my eyes widened, "Sam are you alright?" I nodded slowly fixed myself and turned smiling. "Oh I have something to show you all... It started when I was three... And I apologize for not saying anything sooner" I said and they all looked at me comfused except my dad and Colton, "yall might want to sit down" Thor stayed standing as Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, Steve, Caitlin, my dad, Pepper and Colton sat down. "Now... Close your eyes..." They all sis even Thor and he never listens, "anyones favourite animal?" I asked and people thought. "Black panther" Steve joked and I smield and chuckled, I shifted and walked up to Steve and nudged him. I swear to Odin I have heard a guy scream so loudly, like so loud the windows probably would bave broke. "G-guys? Wheres Sammy?" Steve said looking around as they stared stunned at the panther, I made a growling noise that sounded like a sigh. I shifted back and put my hands on my hips, "next animal?" I asked and they looked at me stunned. "Owl?" Caitlin asked and I sighed and looked at her and shifted into the exact owl that attacked Colton, "you werent hiding yesterday! You were nose diving me!" Colton shouted and I shifted back laughing and rolling on my back. "You shifted in public!?" My dad said concerned and I looked at him, "don't worry I made sure to do it in a secluded area and away from the three people I was with" and the room tensed. "You were with three people who was the third person?" My dad asked smirking and raising a brow "was it your boyfriend?" Clint asked wiggling his eyebrows and I made my eyes turn cat like and I glared at him. He shut his mouth real quick, "uh... Peter was with us..." I said and rubbed the back of my neck and my dad raised his brow. I sighed and shifted into a falcon, I stretched my wings my dad knew what I was doing "no!" He couldnt get for I was already gone, "Sammy what are you doing?" Akila asked concerned and I made a chirping noise and flew. 'Why does my life have to be so twisted...?  Im not allowed to tell my bestfriend that I have powers or that I am Tony Starks daughter...' I thought I felt like I was being watched as I flew over the city. I was brown and had snady flecks my eyes were a unusual color of blue, I flew to my apartment I landed on the roof and shifted.

I walked into my apartment I entered and looked around, "Akila please bring up my holographic suit" I sighed as the image filled my vision. "Thank you" I said and worked on it, my phone in my pocket vibrated and I sighed I couldn't figure out the color to make it. I grabbed my phone and looked at it, it was a message from my dad and Peter.
Dad: hey I'm sorry... I know you and Peter are friends... But really we all know how well Clint is at teasing people.
Me: I know dad I shouldn't have reacted the way I did... I am at my apartment its really nice here... On the weekends I have decided to stay here... But on the weekdays I will stay at home...
I left the chat and opened Peter's message, it was an image but someone had taken it of him and my heart began to race in fear. He was tied up and his head was bleeding, I covered my mouth in shock and fear.
Peter: If you want your boyfriend back, you know where to find him.
Me: First off hes my bestfriend not my boyfriend and you hurt him I will kill you!
Peter: Come and get him or he dies
A chill went down my spine and I began to cry, "Akila get my fabric mailed... I need to make the suit" she made a humming noise. "What color" she asked and I didn't have time to choose "black and have it mailed to the apartment" I said and began to pace,  I tapped my chin and thought on how to break into my old house. I hadn't seen week points and from the looks of it he was in my old room, a knock at my door was heard and I went to answer. "Arn't you a little young to be living alone?" I gave him a look and shrugged "thank you" I said and handed him $50 his eyes widened. "Ms this is too much" he said but I closed the door, I made a suit that looked similar to Spidermans but it only had something covering my eyes so no one would know it was me. It fit perfectly all black with little lines where the wires ran to a animal like symbol on the front, I created it months ago I just needed the fabric. It covered my hands and I put on a pair of combat boots, black as well the symbol was a grey color so it was seen.

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