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ManiDei: what the fuck did you do?

Ariana: what are you talking about babe?

ManiDei: one, I am NOT your "babe" And two I'm talking about Lauren. She told Dinah and I that you contacted her but she wouldn't go into details about what you said to her. She's just completed distanced herself from Dinah and myself. So what the fuck did you go Grande?

Ariana: I told her that she was nothing but a spoiled rich girl who doesn't deserve your heart. What I said was true.

ManiDei: Ariana you can't tell people who does and doesn't deserve my heart because I don't know if you forgot but you were the one who broke it first! Lauren and Dinah have been the ones who put it back together. They were the ones who helped me heal, not you!

Ariana: I know I hurt you but I just want the best for you and I don't think Lauren is it. You're better off dumping her and choosing Dinah. Now that girl really loves you.

ManiDei: they both love me Ariana! They're both who I call when I need to talk. They're the ones I go to when I'm sad and just need to be held. They're the ones who taught me that it's ok to feel and show your emotions. They're the ones I love and you can't control that.

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