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Chat between Normally.

AllyB: I hope I'm not crossing any lines but why are you so harsh towards Lauren?

NormaniDei: because I've known girls like her before and it never ends well. They can all say they're not the same but when it comes down to it they're all nothing but a bunch of backstabbing uptight divas. And we shouldn't trust any of them.

AllyB: I know that you adamant on your stance regarding Lauren but maybe you could try to get to know her. I'm not saying be best friends but just give her a small chance because maybe Dinah's right maybe she is really nice once we actually get to know her.

NormaniDei: I'll give her a chance if you give her a chance.

AllyB: deal.


Chat between Laurinah.

DinahJane: hey Lauren.

LaurenXO: what is Dinah?

DinahJane: your tone sounds sad. What's wrong sweetie?

LaurenXO: everything. Nothing in my life is going right. I have no one around me that I can trust and I just feel really alone right now.

DinahJane: hey you're not alone. You have me and hopefully the other girls.

LaurenXO: I don't have them. They made it pretty clear that they don't want me around. But if I was them I wouldn't want me around either.

DinahJane: 😢 don't say that. They just haven't talked to you like I have. I mean we've talked a few times and you're really nice they just need a chance to see it.

LaurenXO: if you say so.


DinahJane has added LaurenXO to the chat.

NormaniDei: look who's back.

LaurenXO: please. I'm really not in the mood to argue right now.

AllyB: woah you sound really sad.

NormaniDei: yeah I hate to ask but what's wrong?

LaurenXO: everything. Things right now are just falling apart for me and I'm having a meltdown because I have no idea how to handle anything.

DinahJane: what's going on?

LaurenXO: someone who was supposed to be my best friend backstabbed me and outted me to my parents. And since then things have been tense with us and I have no idea how to deal with it.

NormaniDei: not to be rude but she sounds horrible. She's supposed to be your best friend yet she outs you! What kind of friend does that!

AllyB: not to take away from Lauren or anything but you sound really upset Normani.

DinahJane: yeah has something like that happen to you before?

NormaniDei: during my last year of high school my ex boyfriend told his entire football team that I was bisexual and they made fun of me for it and bullied me. It got so bad that I had to take online classes because I couldn't even go to school without having a panic attack.

LaurenXO: I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

NormaniDei: no one does. My parents never found out the reason why I was bullied. I could never bring myself to tell them.

AllyB: do they know about the other thing?

NormaniDei: yeah I came out ages ago and they were great and supportive. I just didn't want to tell them that was the reason why I was bullied.

LaurenXO: I get it and I'm really sorry you went through that.

NormaniDei: honestly I'm over it. Maybe we can move on from all of this. Start over maybe?

LaurenXO: I would like that.

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