Chapter 2

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No ones POV

The different Sanses and Papyruses stared at Error with determination in their eyes while waiting for the signal to attack.

"Error, from this day and now on you wont be destroying anymore aus so we can either do this the hard way or the easy way." Ink glared at Error, secretly hoping that he would choose the hard way so that Ink could make him suffer for what hes done.

"INk i THinK wE bOth kNOw thE AnSwER To THat QuesTIoN..."

"Well then... ATTACK!!!"

(I suck at writing fighting scenes soooo~..... after a lot of fighting!)

Error slowly fell to the ground while Ink stared at him with a grin "so you've finally given up?"

Error smiled.

"To be completely honest i actually expected more from y-"


A broken laugh filled the air and chilled everyone to the bone (pun intended), Ink could only stare while the broken skeleton stood up and looked at him like a maniac

"FiNe iF yOu wANt Me gOnE THeN i'Ll lEAve, BuT doN't ComE scREaMing foR My hElP wheN You aLL diE!!"

A portal opened up underneath the destroyer and the other stared in horror as Error fell into the void with a smile on his face... Ink knew that he should be happy that Error was gone but instead he felt regret. Errors last word ecoed in his mind long after the others left, 'don't come screaming for my help when you all die'... what was he missing...?  

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