Chapter 1

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No ones POV

Error laid down in the anti-void and slowly started to fall a sleep when a pain suddenly appeared in his soul, 'Am i ever going go get a break?!' Error thought for himself. He opened a portal to the new au only to see a white room, it looked exactly like the anti-void except a lone flower standing in the middle of the room. 'What the- well that makes my job easier at least...' Error stepped into the room only to be greeted with a sight that'll forever haunt him...

Inks POV (1 hour earlier)

"Everyone calm down!" The meeting room was filled with exited voices; i had finally come up with a plan on how to stop the destroyer once and for all. "So Ink, what's the plan" I smiled at Dream for helping me get everyones attention, "As we all may know by now Error ALWAYS attacks my newest creations, so why not create a new one." "But what about the people in the au?" I turned my head to the person who asked the question, "the au is going to be empty, does that answer your question Classic?" Classic nodded and sat down again while i continued with explaining the plan, "we'll all gather in the au and once he steps through everyone will attack at the same time." Everyone was exited to finally stop the destroyer... everyone except Blue and Geno...

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