Chapter 4: Repercussions

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Kitty walked down the hallways to her locker the next day.  Unfortunately she didn't have her usual confident swagger and smile like she usually did.  In fact, she dreaded having to face Bree's wrath after having given her a slushie the day before.  Sure enough, Bree was waiting for her with several football players in tow.  "It's payback time bitch!" Bree yelled. Two of the football players held Kitty as Bree gave her a vicious slap, then a punch.  Kitty fell to the ground, crying in pain, and Bree continued to beat on her, that is until another woman came in and tackled her to the ground. "Leave her alone!" She yelled.  It was Marley!   Soon however, Sue Sylvester saw the whole thing, broke the fight up, and told Marley and Bree in no uncertain terms: "Principal's office, now!"  Kitty got up from the floor crying, with a black eye and bruises on her chest.  The two football players who held her then started backing her against the wall in a threatening matter. "Hey!" yelled a male's voice.  "Let her go!" It was Jake.  "One lousy punk?" one of the football players snapped sarcastically. "We're gonna beat him up real good."  "Only if you guys have a death-wish." Another voice said. "Who's side are you on Lynn?"  "Jake's my friend, I'm not going to let you hurt him." Ryder said angrily. "Then I guess we have to take both of you out then." One of the football players replied with a snark comment.  "Not today" said Spencer as he rounded the corner.  "You beat them up, you'll have to take me out too."  "No need, obviously these assholes didn't learn their lesson the first time." says another voice. It was Scott!  Scott walked forward and immediately locked the football team captain in a choke-hold.  The other football team players dared not try to approach him after what he did to them last time.  "I warned you not to give these guys a hard time. Well now I'm sending you a message, one you'll never forget!"  "You!" Principal Figgins yelled. "My office now!"  "You're lucky he showed up you punks.  You guys ever come back, I'll do more than put you guys through hell, I'll put you in the E.R.!" Scott yelled as he walked away.  "Kitty are you OK?" Ryder asked. "No." Kitty said with a whimper.  "You want to talk about it?" Spencer asked.  "No." Kitty said crying.  "Look Kitty, we're just trying to help." Jake said with genuine concern on his face.  "I appreciate it, but I just want to be alone." Kitty said walking away still crying.  "Some things never change." Jake said with a look of anger on his face.  "I guess so." Ryder said.  "Come on, we need to talk with Sam and Mr. Schue about this." Jake nodded in agreement as he and Ryder went to find Sam and Will.

Meanwhile, in Principal Figgins office,  Marley, Bree, & Scott were in there.  "Obviously this situation has reached a breaking point. As you know, we have a zero-tolerance policy for fighting in this school."  "I wouldn't have fought with that bitch if she hadn't slushied me yesterday." Bree snarled. "She only slushied you because she was defending me!" Marley snapped back.  "You should also bring half the football team in this office; They looked like they were going to gang-rape my sister. You know I ain't going to stand for that at all!" Scott vented. "Enough!" Principal Figgins commanded.  "I've heard all the sides of the story. Now slushies are legal here at William McKinley High School, but apparently the situation regarding that has gotten completely out of hand, so effective immediately all slushies will be barred from the school campus.  Anyone seen with a slushie will be suspended on site."  Bree sighed with a huge look of disappointment on her face. "Furthermore, there needs to be repercussions for each of your actions; Since you started this whole mess Bree, and since you also orchestrated a premeditated attack on Kitty in the hallway, you are hereby suspended for a week." Figgins mandated. "Principal Figgins!" Bree complained. "End of story." He replied. Bree walked out, but not before yelling a comeback at Marley. "This isn't over. I'm gonna make both you and your little bitches' lives a living hell!" With that, she stormed out.

"Touchy." Scott quipped with a slightly amused smile.  "Now as for you Marley, this is your first offense. I understand that you were defending a fellow classmate, but violence is never the answer. Thankfully I'm willing to show leniency in this case, so you'll only receive an in-school suspension for one day."  "Thank you Principal Figgins. It won't happen again." Marley said, then sighing with a feeling of relief, she then left and went to find Kitty.

"You; You're the worst offender out here." Principal Figgins said, looking to Scott.  "I heard about your reputation from years ago. What am I going to do with you?" He asked looking puzzled.  "What can you do? If you expel me, I'll just be back again next year to raise even more hell than I already have. Suspend me, and I'll just be biding my time until I get back;  Look, I don't like this any more than you do.  I honestly don't want to be here, but I don't have a choice. Let me make one thing clear though. I don't like bullies, I don't like creeps, punks, or jerks.  In fact, I often fantasize about how I can put one or two of them in the hospital." Scott explained. "You already have." Principal Figgins stated. "Several football players have been placed on the IR with concussions and broken noses."  Scott gives an amusing laugh as is he's admiring his handy work.  "Oh, you think it's funny?" Figgins asked, obviously not amused by Scott's current sense of humor. "Those airheads had it coming, I just gave them the comeuppance they eventually were going to get. Let's just say I put them out of their misery."  Principal Figgins sighed, then smiled at him.  "That girl Bree gives me an idea. I'm going to make your life a living hell; I'm giving you two options."  "OK, what are they?" Scott asked.  "One: You can be expelled. Two: you can avoid an expulsion by doing me a favor."  "What favor?" Scott asked. "Join the glee club."  Scott's eyes lit up in fear. "No!" He said.  "It's your worst nightmare isn't it? Look at it this way, the punishment has to fit the crime. At least this way, you'll be under the microscope and be forced to be on your best behavior from now on.  "I hate that group." Scott says with annoyance.  "You came to their defense for the last two days." Figgins rebutted. "I only did that cause they were getting bullied. Under normal circumstances, I couldn't give a rats' ass about any one of them, except for one: Kitty Wilde."  "Why are you so sensitive about her?" Figgins asked.  "Because she's my sister." Scott replied.  "Ah, I see." Figgins stated.  "No you don't. You just don't get it. I'm done trying to play by the rules. You're not the one who went through three years of hell in high school getting bullied, ridiculed, and sold out by nearly everyone in the school. But if that's what it takes to make you and everyone here happy, I feel like Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption. I'll accept your stupid little favor." "I'll join the Glee Club." Scott stated with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Good, I sincerely hope that you change your attitude for the better." Figgins stated.  "Oh I'm definitely changing. I've had it trying to place nice." Scott replied sharply; and with that, he put on his sunglasses and walked out singing:

I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies,
I helped the blind to see.
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me and I'm getting real shot down
And I'm feeling mean.
No more Mister Nice Guy,
No more Mister Clean,
No more Mister Nice Guy,
They say he's sick, he's obscene.

I got no friends 'cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me and I'm feeling real shot down
And I'm getting mean.
No more Mister Nice Guy,
No more Mister Clean,
No more Mister Nice Guy,
They say he's sick, he's obscene.

My dog bit me on the leg today.
My cat clawed my eyes.
Ma's been thrown out of the social circle,
And dad has to hide.
I went to church incognito.
When everybody rose, the Reverend Smith,
He recognized me,
And punched me in the nose, he said:
No more Mister Nice Guy,
No more Mister Clean,
No more Mister Nice Guy,
He said you're sick, you're obscene.

No more Mister Nice Guy,
No more Mister Clean,
No more Mister Nice Guy,

He said you're sick, you're obscene. 

Well, the repercussions have gone down. Bree is suspended for a week; Marley gets an in-school suspension for a day, and Scott will either have to join the Glee Club or risk getting expelled!  What's more, much to the chagrin of the football team and the Cheerios, all slushies have been barred from the campus until further notice.

Poor Kitty though, what will happen to her? Her friends only want to help but she just shut them out.  Hopefully, she will receive comfort from her best friend Marley before her suspension starts.

P.S. The song Scott sings is "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Alice Cooper.

I'll update when I can!    

Glee: Season 7-Episode 1: "New Beginnings"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin