Chapter 1: First Day of School

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The bell rang at William McKinley High School.  Marley stepped in with a smile on her face. Sadly, that smile soon disappeared when she was suddenly hit with a slushie by Bree.  "Get some friends loser!" Bree sarcastically stated. But just as she turned around however, Bree was hit with a slushie by someone she never expected: her fellow cheerleader: Kitty!  "She has a friend bitch! That's me! Touch her again, and I'll personally castrate you. That goes for all of you imbecile jocks. Now get out of here!" she snarled as everyone took off. Marley began to cry before Kitty came over to her. "Let's get you cleaned up." she said softly. Marley walked with Kitty to the women's bathroom with tears still in her eyes. Kitty cleaned her up and helped Marley get into her extra shirt that she brought with her just in case. "I can't believe it's happening again. My first day and I'm already getting slushied. I knew this was a mistake!" Marley said as she buried her face in her hands.  Kitty's heart almost broke when she heard Marley break down. She walked over and wrapped Marley in a warm, friendly embrace. "Sshh, I've got you." Kitty said calmly. Marley buried her head on Kitty's shoulder, thankful for a friend. "I'm sorry." Kitty says. "For what?" Marley replied.  "For being such a bitch to you our first year together. I was intimidated by you. I was jealous. I made you develop an eating disorder and you almost got seriously hurt. It was wrong and I'm sorry." Kitty said, tears beginning to form in her eyes as well. "It's in the past, and I forgive you." Marley said. "I don't know if I can forgive myself though." Kitty replied. "Well, you and I are here together now, and right now, that's all I need." Marley said smiling. "Me too." Kitty replied as the two girls shared a warm embrace as their tears finally subsided.

"It's so good to see you again Kitty. I missed you so much." Marley said happily. "I really missed you Marley." Kitty replied smiling. "I only wish we could've met under better circumstances." "Yeah, this isn't really what I had in mind for friendly reunions, but I guess it'll have to do." Marley said. Both girls chuckled as they broke apart from the embrace. "So are you going to audition for the Glee Club?" Marley asked.  "I'm not sure yet." Kitty said. "Come on, It'll be like old times again!" Marley said trying to encourage her.

"I'll think about it, OK?" Kitty asked her. "Sure." Marley replied. "Well I've gotta get to class. I know that we have 2nd period history together with each other. See you then?"  "You bet." Kitty replied warmly.

As Marley, turned to leave, Kitty called out to her: "Wait, Marley!" Marley turned around and said "Yes?" "Can I walk you to your first class?" "Sure Kitty, but why?" Marley asked, a bit puzzled by Kitty's question. "Honestly, because I want to, and I don't want to risk you getting slushied by anyone again." Kitty replied. "You're so kind Kitty. Thank you." Marley says smiling warmly at her.  "Hey, what are friends for, right?" The girls both laugh. As they walk out however, Kitty's joy turns to shock as her jaw drops at the sight of someone she never expected to see again.   "No way." She gasps. "What's wrong?" Marley asks. "It can't be." Kitty replies. "Who is it?" Marley asked. "It's Scott Wilson." Kitty says with dread in her voice. "Who's he?" Marley said.  "Don't tell anybody this, but that's my brother." Marley's eyes looked at her in shock and surprise. "Then what's he doing here?" she asked. "I don't know, but it can't be good." Kitty replied.

And that's the end of the first chapter. It's nice to see that Marley & Kitty haven't forgotten about each other, and it's even better to see Kitty have a major change of heart and is now her best friend. On a personal note, I loved when she slushied Bree (Take that!)

Unfortunately, how will Kitty handle the fact that her brother Scott Wilson is now on campus?

Find out in the next chapter.

Reviews would be amazing and also appreciated!!!

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