Chapter 21- School Tips

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So where I live, school started two months ago and I'm not doing so well in some classes. I do have all As but one B now so this is the famous chapter of awe. These are some easy tips that can help you better in school and make new friends...

1. Actually pay attention to your teacher. School just got really hard where I live and used to be I wouldn't pay one eyes worth of listening to the teacher. Well I started out doing it this year and immediately, my grades were all most Cs. You may be like what's wrong with a C, you wouldn't be saying that if you meet mine. I think one day my parents magically said, yep Sarah is gonna all ways have all As. But nahhhhhh I'm dying in school with a sixty-five.

2. Actually take notes. Sometime in your school year, your gonna not understand something and wanna look back on it. The earlier year, we had took so many notes on so many things but being my stupid self, I through it all away because I don't like paper. At the beginning if the new school year, teacher was saying a bunch of ish in which I have no clue. I'm talking with my friend about how hard algebra is and she be like, well I looked back on the notes we took last year so it's not that hard for me. Boo Hoo for me!

3. Actually do homework. Shhhhhh. I know, I know, it hard and long and lasts forever. You could be checking Facebook and watching YouTube, I know. I hate homework but the truth is, it helps. You be like nooooooo, it does, your brain actually is proven to remember what you wrote for homework more than notes. My schools grading scale used to be tests were the majority of the grade, so a person could skip homework for two weeks then there comes the test and makes a 100 and his grade would be a high B or low A. They changed it to see who was actually doing work, You now make 64 in the same scenario. I be like shmerrrr.

4. Be involved in school activities. This helps your relationship with principles and teachers. These activities include choir, band, football, cheer, baseball, volleyball, and softball. There maybe others. Don't let these things get in the way of grades though. You need a balance. I'm in choir. La La La...

5. Be social. If you never talk to anyone, you won't make friends. You will be a loner. Talking and being socially active is really important to have many friends at school. Having friends us important because whenever you want your crush to hook up with you, you rely on other people, your friends. Other than that, everyone needs a friend to be with them.

6. Be careful who you become friends with. You want friends but it is better to be alone than with bad company, what up George Washington reference! You don't want to be friends with a bully or someone you know is gonna be mean to you behind your back.

7. Don't be a bully. This is the worst. If you are a bully, you are bloody stupid. No one likes a bully. And honestly, I don't care what reason you have for beating up another kid. I don't give an F if your momma beats you at home, if you come back to school and beat a kid, your just the same. I'm not saying that a momma beating a kid is bad but you get the point. And most if the time, that kid is gonna be someone great and your gonna be like I wish I hadn't been mean to her, I could've been someone with her.

8. Don't let a boyfriend or crush distract you from school. Great you have the boy if your dreams, now I don't have to care about algebra anymore. YOU WRONG! Dis boy of girl can't get your grades for you. have fun and be proud but don't forget school.

9. STUDY! I never knew what study could do until I started. You just need to find a method that works for you and stuck with it. I personally can't stand flash cards but some if y'all may. We all have different ways of studying and we just need to do it in the way that works for us.

10. Don't get in trouble a lot. This messes up that trust with you and the adults. The adult won't trust you much and you'll most of the time be on the bad side. This is going to turn out to be really bad for that class.


Authors note:

So I posted two chapters in a day, be proud of me. I stayed up all night doing this because I have no time to do it after school Bc I'll be studying for a test. Thx so much for reads. I need to know what you guys are thinking and what y'all want me to write about so plz comment about that. Also, whenever I started this book I thought I would at least have like 100 reads but it has grown so much and I really appreciate you guys. Every time I see the read number, it really encourages me to keep writing. That being said, comment, vote, and share.

Mkayyyyyyyyy bye

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