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i have so many new books to publish and it's so hard not to do it and to keep writing my old ones UGH


5 years ago

"You bought flowers for me?", Lyza let out a weak laugh when she saw Jungkook standing right in front of her, holding a huge bouqet of flowers. He mixed roses in different colors, from red over white and pink ones. The boy's eyes were reddened, his smile for sure not real but he tilted his head in such a sweet way that Lyza couldn't help but feel her heart beat up to her chest.

"Thank you", she hummed, one hand rubbing her tummy while she took the flowers and put them into water. Jungkook nodded, following her. "I was thinking.."

The girl turned her head, lifting one of her brows. "About what?", she asked softly, reaching for his hand when he stopped in front of her. "You always wanted to go to New York for college-"
She nodded, "Kook, it's fine. I'm okay with where I am now-", she interrupted him quickly, trying to avoid him feeling guilty.

"We can go there after the wedding and stay there, I want Taejeon to grow up in a better place than we had to.."

The girl's expression changed completely, her mouth slightly dropped open. "You'd do that?" He shrugged, "There's nothing left for me here, all I have is you and our kid-"
Lyza gulped dryly, pressing a small kiss to his cheek, "Maybe, someday."
Her eyes glanced down to her stomach as she let out a quiet sigh. Someday, when she wasn't with him anymore.

"Are you okay?", the boy asked, pointing at her tummy after noticing that she constantly held it. That reminded him awfully lot of something. "I am, it's just my period", she hummed.

Jungkook smiled bitterly. Lyza was lying to him. "Alright. Do you want me to make you some tea? Cookies? Blanket?"
She quickly shook her head.  "It's fine, Kook."

With that their conversation ended and they went back to silence. Just as always lately.
Lyza was focused on her phone not even five minutes later and Jungkook couldn't see what exactly they were writing but he read a name and that was enough for him to feel like crying.

"Lyza", he let out, voice shaking. "Please don't break my heart, please.."
His girlfriend looked up to him, putting her phone down immediately. Her face softened when she saw tears sparkling in his eyes, "Oh dear", she hummed, hugging him from the side. She put her chin down on his shoulders and let out a deep breath. "Whatever happens, trust me-, nothing is ever meant to break your heart."

"Why didn't you just say yes?"

Silence again. Lyza lacked explanations and Jungkook needed answers. What both misunderstood was that when Jungkook asked her not to break his heart all he had in mind was, Please don't end up with Taehyung while Lyza thought he wanted her to stay with him.

Everything was about him though, from the very first day until his last. It's always gonna be him.

In the end both of them knew that their biggest heartbreak was just a few breathes away.

yo wdym! lyza

i have no idea what to do tae

does kook know


you can't do this to him. it won't make it any better between you guys

so you want me to get an abortion?!

i don't want shit from you, lyz. you fucked up, not me

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