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Jungkook sighed in relief when he entered the safe grounds of his shared apartment, dropping his heavy bag filled with books on the wooden floor. He got his phone out of his jeans pocket and checked the time. 6:37.

His eyes immediately set on the couch placed in front of the flat tv screen. A frown etched on Jungkook's face when he saw that Taehyung, his roommate, wasn't sitting there, scrolling on his phone like usual and waiting for his arrival to start cooking dinner for the two of them.

Their familiar routine had been built during this past year of cohabiting together, and the two men had become good friends since then. 

Instead of letting his parents pay for his apartment, Jungkook had decided to manage this part of his life alone. They were already all over his studies, calling the teachers to know how he was doing in class and requiring monthly reports from the director of the university he was attending.

Well, Jungkook guessed it was fair since his parents had always demanded perfection from him. Perfect grades, perfect record, perfect friends. 

The boy was relieved when he acquired his apartment, the only problem his, he didn't have enough money to pay the rent on his own. That's when his friend, Yoongi, entered the scene, introducing his own friend Taehyung, who needed a roommates as well. One month later, the papers were signed and Taehyung moved in the apartment.

They were both glad they were each other's roommates since they got along right off the bat, finding that they had a lot of things in common, like their love for art and photography.

Jungkook wished he could follow his dream and become a photographer, but his controlling parents had other plans for him, and wanted him to become a lawyer, just like Jungkook's father. The one time he tried to convinced them to let him study photography, he received a severe beating from his father and was forbidden from seeing his friends for a month. Since then, Jungkook kept his mouth shut and just went along with whatever they said.

Even though, inside of him, his soul was screaming, begging to be released from their tightening hold. The boy was slowing breaking, without knowing it.

Back to the apartment, Jungkook was still standing on the door mat, slowly crouching down to remove his shoes, his brows furrowed in confusion. 

Suddenly, he heard sounds coming from down the hallway, and he raised his head to listen more closely. After a minute of listening, he shook it off and placed his shoes neatly on the mat before he heard them again, but this time more clearly. The sounds appeared to be... giggles?

He began to walked down the hallway with his phone clutched in his hand as the giggles got louder and more distinctive. He finally stopped in front of the door on his right, which happened to be Taehyung's bedroom. His free hand grabbed the handle and progressively turned it, opening the white painted door.

Jungkook's mouth slightly opened as he took in the scene before him. Taehyung was laying on his bed, with a grown man cuddled to his side, as he read a book for children. Now, the boy was dressed in a onesie with dinosaurs on it, with a pacifier bobbing between his plump lips, his eyes glued to the colorful book.

Taehyung had heard the door open and lifted his head, immediately smiling as he saw him. 

"Hey kookie, how was university." Jungkook's mind went blank, his mind trying to process what he was seeing. The boy in the onesie looked up to see what was going on and quickly turned his head back towards Taehyung, removing the plastic object from his mouth before tugging on his sleeve.

"W-who is he uncle TaeTae?" He said softly in a high pitch tone, similar to a child. Taehyung booped his nose and smiled kindly.

"That's Kookie, baby. I told you about him earlier, Jiminie." 'Jiminie' nodded and put the pacifier back in his mouth, burying his head in the crook of Taehyung's neck, hiding his face from Jungkook.

Finally Jungkook got out of his trance and shook his head slightly to get back to his senses.

"Tae, what's this... this man doing here? And why is he acting like a fucking child?!" He couldn't help the disgusted expression he wore as he kept staring at the so-called Jiminie. He swore he saw anger pass in Taehyung's eyes before he spoke up.

"Jimin is Yoongi's boyfriend and he is a little. I'm babysitting him for five days since Yoongi traveled to Daegu to meet a producer." Taehyung's tone was cold as he explained, "Now, if you can get out of my room so I can take care of him, thank you." 

A lump grew in Jungkook's throat while Taehyung looked at him sternly, tightening his grip on Jimin who whimpered in fear. "Alright", Jungkook said softly, turning on his heels and getting back into the hallway. He stayed with his back laying on the closed door, his eyes staring into space.

He made his way to the kitchen, deciding to dig some leftovers since he wasn't really a gifted cook. He ate in silence as he continued to hear the two men in the room close by. 

Jungkook didn't expect Taehyung to get mad at him. It was the first time they had a disagreement since they started living together, and it affected him. He knew he probably shouldn't have been so harsh in his words, but he found the whole situation really weird. I mean, what kind of young adult sucks on pacifiers and read books for children. This was insane.

His thoughts went back to what Taehyung had said. "... he is a little..."

What was a little?

Deciding to satisfy his curiosity, he grabbed his phone and went on google to type 'a little' into the search bar. Maybe he could find an explanation to Jimin's weird behavior.

He scrolled down a few links, before he found a definition into an urban dictionary. He brought the screen of his phone closer so he could read.

'A little is someone that like to acts younger than they really are...' He continued to read the paragraph and clicked on link to 'littlespace'

'Littlespace is the mindset or headspace in which an adult baby or little feels most carefree, accepted, and mentally youthful..." Even though Jungkook found the whole concept really strange, a bubbly feeling bloomed in his chest as he read more about the subject. It's almost as if...

Jungkook quickly got back to the home menu of his phone, tossing it on the kitchen table. He continued to eat, but couldn't shake the feeling off. It's probably because this weird shit is messing with my brain, he thought.

He decided to ignore Jimin for the rest of those five days, so he wouldn't get into an argument into Taehyung and he could focus on his studies and forget about the whole thing.

Damn Daniel! Back at it again with another book!


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