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Eventually when Edelweiss woke up she recalled what happened and with Madam Pomfrey's approval made her way down to the feast where Slytherin was celebrating their victory of the house cup. Unfortunately for her house though Albus decided to award last minute points to Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville, which won the house cup for Gryffindor. Draco was none too pleased but Edelweiss comforted him.

"There's always next year and you'll get to tryout for the Quidditch team." The boy sighed.

"Yeah, but Father will be upset." It was Edelweiss's turn to sigh.

"Well it's not your fault. Besides if your father has an issue with that he can speak with me." She said reassuring him. "Now enjoy your food cause we won't get this until next year." She laughed, taking a sip of her cider. She boarded the train with Fred and George, she told them what happened in the room on the 3rd floor, minus a few details, mainly about the Dark Lord being hosted by Professor Quirrel, and her animagus powers.

"Next time that happens tell us. We'd be more than happy to help kick a teacher's butt." Was their response, although they were annoyed about Ron risking himself. "And thanks for healing Ron, though it will have been a waste by the time we are finished with him." Fred said rubbing his hands together excitedly.

"And why might that be?" Edelweiss asked raising an eyebrow, she'd spent a bit of energy healing him for their sake.

"Oh, he's just going to end up being our target for pranks." Fred said, smiling from ear to ear. She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"I'll let you know if I need to kick a teacher out of Hogwarts, does that satisfy you?" She asked and George nodded.

"Sounds good to me, how bout you Fred?" Fred grinned at his brother.

"Couldn't have said it better myself. Oh and by the way Weiss Mum wants you to come over for a few weeks at the end of the summer. She said in her letter that she had to make sure you were getting some 'female' influence." Edelweiss winced and the twins looked sympathetic.

"I can only guess what that means." The twins shuddered.

"We'd really rather not." She smiled at them as they got their trunks off of the train.

"I guess I'll see you two over the summer then."

"Agreed." They said in sync. She waved goodbye to them and Molly as she made her way over to another platform. Hopping aboard the train she was picked up by her uncle who apparated on, took her arm and trunk and disapparated.

"You'll be staying with the Malfoy's for the first two weeks of summer, then here while I'm here then afterwards you'll be staying with the Weasleys until school starts again. Lucius will be the one taking Draco shopping for supplies and I would recommend not letting him see you with the Weasleys." Severus said not giving her a word in otherwise.

"Of course Uncle Sev." She said making her way up to her room, only once she fell on her bed did she realize what she'd called him, and that he didn't correct her. Things were looking up she thought to herself as she looked up at the ceiling. 

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