A Duel & A 3-Headed Dog

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"Edel!" Draco shouted as he entered the common room, panting from running all the way from the flying fields. The silver and black haired girl looked up from her Standard Book of Spell book.

"What is it Draco?" She asked annoyed at being interrupted.

"Potter and I are going to have a wizard's duel tonight at midnight." He admitted, "Cause I took Longbottom's remembrall." He said, "I said that Crabbe would be my second." She looked at him, her face an expressionless mask.

"And you are telling me this why?" She said causing him to get flustered.

"Because I have no clue what to do, I'd be breaking curfew." He rambled, Weiss smiled.

"Just don't get caught and win the duel. Simple." She stated returning to her book, without looking up she continued. "And don't even think about ratting them out to Filch. You got yourself into this mess, you have to get yourself out of it. And stop dragging poor Vincent and Greggory into your little spats with Potter." Draco trudged away to his next class.

That night Draco and Vincent made their way out of the Common Room and towards the trophy room. Weiss, hidden under an invisibility spell, followed them. As they waited in the trophy room Weiss noticed Mrs. Norris heading their way, following the group of Gryffindors. She cast an Invisibility charm over Vincent and Draco grabbed them both and pulled them away.

"Go back to the common room and go to bed. Don't even think about arguing. I told you not to get caught." The pair made their way back quietly while Weiss stayed to keep an eye on the 4 Gryffindors, her half brother and friends. They seemed to think that Draco had stood them up and sold them out to Filch.

"Stupid Malfoy, must've set us up." The twins' younger brother spat. They took off towards the 3rd floor and Weiss winced, the only forbidden place other than the forest. She hexed Filch so that he thought he'd lost them along with Mrs. Norris.

"Confundo. Confundo." Watching over the 4 she watched as the went into the locked door and met the 3 headed dog. They came out screaming and ran all the way back to their common room. Weiss carefully removed the invisibility spell, but before the dog could bite her body shrunk until she was a small black fox with silver guard hairs, and a white sock on her left foreleg.

The dog stopped it's attack and stared at her, confused at the transformation. They conversed in the canine language and Weiss learned that the dog's only purpose in the room was to protect it. No one was allowed in except for the man the dog described, who Weiss understood to be Dumbledore. She made her way back to the common room and went to bed wondering what was being hidden in Hogwarts, by Dumbledore himself. 

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