Laughing Jinx

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When she learned that Draco had teased Harry about his parents being dead she tracked him down.

"What's this I hear about you harassing Potter?" She asked him sitting in the chair across from him in the common room.

"It was just a bit of teasing." He said, sounding slightly hesitant, knowing he's been over the line and that it pushed a few buttons for Edelweiss.

"Really, then why is it that I'm told you made fun of him for staying at Hogwarts because his parents are dead?" She asked and Draco winced, the rest of the common room, having noticed this confrontation between the close pair, fled quickly not wanting to get in the middle.


"Titillando." She snapped and Draco doubled over cracking up laughing. She watched him writhe around laughing so hard, tears were coming out of his eyes.

"Please, hahahaha, stop, I won', hahahaha, t do it again! Hahahaha I promise! Hahahaha!" She glared at him.

"You realize I have no parents either, right?" She stated, and Draco nodded frantically,

"I'm sorry, hahahaha, I didn't mean, hahahaha, it like that!" She sighed,

"I know but you really need to start thinking about your actions. So until someone shows up and releases you think about it." She said walking out of the common room leaving Draco a laughing mess on the floor, feeling absolutely pitiful and regretting every having spoken with Harry in the first place. He spent a full 2 hours there until a 6th year released him.

On Christmas morning Edelweiss woke to find a few presents at the foot of her bed. She received a pair of new Quidditch gloves from Draco, a new book on spells from Lucius and Narcissa, a book on magical birds from Hagrid, who she'd known since she was a child wandering around Hogwarts while her uncle was busy, a pair of woolen socks without a name, but she quickly deduced who they were from, as Severus had left her in the care of Albus from time to time, and he had become like a grandfather to her. Another nameless gift was a potion kit full of potion ingredients and empty vials. From whom she could easily guess.

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