v. eight, tua [✓]

682 14 8

˖⋆࿐໋ 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕*
( TAKEN  // s1 )
𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔
━ mina sundwall*

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔━ mina sundwall*

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" well, i'm glad you
scared me that day. "

     𝓣heta's boring life consisted of attempts at writing, being home alone in her parents' oversized condo, homeschooling from a computer screen, and finishing up homework while drinking coffee at Griddy's Doughnuts when the day's come to an end. She always followed the same routine, and can't remember a time where it had ever changed. Her schedule was set, just like her dream to become an author, but it was insanely hard for her to be imaginative when she never lived outside of her bubble.

     So, in order to experience more for her writing's sake, Theta decides to take the opportunity of doing something that scares her. Luckily, the day the idea comes to mind, a boy in an old-fashioned uniform orders a black coffee just moments before killing an entire reinforcement squad, all while teleporting around the shop. In Theta's opinion, there's nothing scarier than taking up an interest in a violent boy named after a number. So, that's exactly what she does.

˖⋆࿐໋ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔:

— i was being stingy with this as a draft,
but i was never gonna write this shit wbk

her name is just the eighth greek letter

— theta's parents fucking suck, like her
mom tries to make those dumb comments
abt her needing to put in more effort and to
watch her weight even tho there's literally
nothing wrong with how she is, and her dad
doesn't really acknowledge her when he
is home, which is almost never for both of

— she doesn't really have friends bc of
homeschooling, but she's really bold

— throughout the time she spends with five,
she journals all the stuff that she sees

— before five kills everyone at griddy's,
theta asks him to watch her homework
and book bag before heading to the
bathroom, so while she's washing her
hands, she hears the commotion and
comes out into the hall leading back
to the tables. she kinda just crouches
down and watches and sees the crazy
stuff happening

— when he walks out, she pretty much
snatched up her book bag and chases
after him in shock and bc duh it was
scary and that's what she'd been waiting
for, some death and teleportation is
gonna cure that writer's block

— "you're name is number five?"
"you sound a little judgmental for
someone named after a greek letter."

— "not to weird you out or anything,
but i'm fifty-eight."
"um, okay? is that a mental age thing? i
took a quiz on buzzfeed once, and it said
that i was between twenty and twenty-five."

— sometimes he just teleports himself in
her house and it freaks her out but she
eventually gets use to it

— but one time her parents were home which
was surprising, and he popped in and bc
they're not always smart, theta just keeps
shoving him behind things and hiding him
until she can get him into her room

— sometime after meeting each other, he
mentions that she looks familiar but it's not
until the end does five tell her it's bc he saw
her face in the same place he saw vanya's,
on the back of of book in the future

— before they go back to the past she
says the above quote to him

— theta tries to hold on when they're all
going into the past, but ultimately gets
left behind and when she blinks she's at
home like it's a normal day and she
doesn't remember a thing abt tua

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