Cats and Dogs

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The trees swayed in the light breeze. The sun shined slightly through the leaves, barely even touching the ground with its heavenly light. The ground was dry and sandy under the feet of the two boys. That's how the day started.

"Kahl! Stahp- huff- walking so god damn- huff- FAST!" Cartman yelled, barely being able to catch his breath as he frantically ran towards the Jew. Soaked in sweat, he already regret running away. Though he would never let Kyle know that

"How about you stop walking so slow, fat ass?! And you know what would help? Putting those damn snacks away!"

Cartman didn't even remember getting his very last bag of delicious cheesy poofs out, but there certainly wasn't many left. He sat on the ground and unzipped his back pack while attempting to shove it back into where it came. Kyle looked back at the struggling boy in the dusty ground and sighed. He dragged his feet as he slowly trudged back over the fat ass he- for some reason- ran away with. The Jewish boy took his back pack off and plopped himself on the ground in front of his friend.

"This was an awful idea" Kyle spoke.

Cartman glanced up at him in irritation, "nuh uh! Stop being such a Jew, you... Jew"

"Wow, Cartman, I'm soo offended," Kyle responded, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You should be! Being a Jew is awful and you're awful! Because you're a Jew!" Cartman spoke with hostility, though struggling for proper insults.

"Already attacking me for being a Jew? Really? I thought you'd at least last six hours, but no you had to ruin it at three" Kyle motioned the numbers on his fingers, demonstrating his point. 

"Fuck off" Cartman spoke softly, but harshly.

"Okay, sorry for running away with you I guess? Do you want me to leave already? What do you want from me Cartman?" Kyle's snapped back, just as hostile as Cartman.

"I want you to stop being a filthy Jew!" He screamed back, infuriated.

"Yeah, well guess what? That's not going to happen! That's like telling you to stop being such a fat ass!"

"For the last time- I AM NOT FAT!" Cartman slammed his gloved hands into the dry dirt underneath them.

"Yeah you fucking are!"

"No I'm not! IM BIG BONED!"

"That doesn't even make any sense!"

"Yes it does!!"

"What is your problem?! What is your fucking problem, Cartman?"

There was a pause between the two boys.

Kyle continued, "I've tried to forgive you for all the dumb shit you've pulled during this 'friendship'! What do you even want from me?!"


Cartman fidgeted with his gloves nervously, eyes locking onto the yellow fabric.

"Are you going to answer me fat ass? Huh? Because I'm getting sick of this!" Silence. Kyle stood up, Cartman's eyes were still pinned to his gloves, "I'm leaving."

That caught Cartman's attention, "Huh?"

"I said I'm leaving. I'm going home."

"Wait- Kahl plea-"

"For the last fucking time, IT'S NOT 'KAHL'" Kyle sighed, "Cartman just please tell me what you really want from me. All of a sudden you stop being such a jerk to me and... I don't understand. What caused you to change?"

Just a Small Crush.. Right? {Kyman}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora