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A/N- huh, people like this apparently. Now I feel bad for not touching this for almost a year. Ok but actually thank you?? Like you hoes are super nice and ily please forgive me. I also forgot if I even had a proper plot for this and uh I hope I can figure something out sksk

Also vague title because screw you, I do what I want. Also I just couldn't think of anything and I decided to go with vague instead of something completely random and off topic. You're welcome. I guess

I'm tired, why do I decide to do this when I'm half asleep

-Kyle's POV-

It's been a few weeks now since Cartman and I came out to each other. Me being bi, him being gay. It was a strange situation really. I especially didn't think I'd come out to my enemy by an accidental phone call.

But that's over with now, Cartman and I have grown a new respect for each other. Well... Respect might not be the right word, but you get it. Odd that we stop hating each other so much just because we're both attracted to dudes. No, it's more than that. Even I know that. We both have formed a sort of... Friendship... Over our shared non-straightness.

Ever since then, life has felt more comfortable. Things feel... Right... Like this is how it's supposed to be. Like a puzzle when you finally find the last piece. You feel like you've accomplished something and when you get to look at your recently finished puzzle masterpiece, you feel like all is right with the world. That's how I feel.

I eventually came out to Kenny too, turns out he's pansexual so that's cool. It feels like our weird friend group is finally working out. Everything seems to be working out really... Things seem... Perfect. Too perfect.

"I'm running away," the larger boy spoke as he shoved tons upon tons of useless items into his backpack.

"You're what??" I responded quickly. 

"I'm tired of my mom always fucking running off on me and leaving me to feed myself in this damn house," Cartman struggled to shove the second bag of Cheesy Poofs into his overly packed back pack. So packed that this back pack probably can't fit on his back, "so this time I decided I'll leave her while she's gone. So when she gets back home she'll know how it feels"

Visits with Cartman had become more often ever since they officially became friends and not enemies. Most the time Kenny and Stan would come too, but they were both busy. Apparently Stan's family had a hunting trip planned and they invited Kenny to go with him, so he accepted. Leaving Cartman and I alone for the weekend.

I looked at Cartman, still failing to get the bag into the back pack, "that's dumb, you can barely take care of yourself when she leaves you for two days. Plus you'll probably just get kidnapped by creeps the moment you set foot outside your door."

Cartman finally managed to shove the Cheesy Poofs bag in. Unsurprisingly, he reached for more items to cram into the backpack that looks almost as big as him. Almost.

"Anyone would be better than my whore of a mom"

"Wow, fat ass, I never thought I'd live to see the day where you admit that she's a whore," I teased.

Cartman shot me a glare, causing me to realize that probably hit him emotionally. Even though it was obvious that his mom never cared for him, he still hung on to a scal thread of hope that she maybe loved him just a little. However that thread has finally snapped, Cartman now realizes that his mom is nothing but a whore who don't care for her son.

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