Munch Munch it's LUNCH

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A/N: So apparently people enjoyed what I had here, so I decided to continue it! Because of South Park being back and I've been reading fanfic again, I got motivated to do something!

Also don't ask about the title- I really DON'T know...

~Cartman's POV~

I haven't gotten to talk to that daywalker jew boy all day. He made it very clear to me not to talk to him, and despite my efforts he still ignored me. The most I got out of him was a death glare. Why is he so afraid of people knowing his dirty little jew secret? It's obvious the people of South Park don't hate the gays, hell, Tweek and Craig is EVERYONE'S favourite couple! Why would people care if Kahl is bisexual? If anything they'd celebrate! There would be a huge fucking pride parade in honor of Kahl just because this damn town is so desperate to be gay-friendly!

Knowing his little secrete, I feel like I might just have a chance to get with Kahl- no... thats dumb. His sexuality doesn't matter because he hates me. He doesn't want me anywhere near him and he wants me to die or never speak to him again- or maybe even both! No.. that doesn't feel right either. If it was right then why would he come to my house.. and then ask to stay another night?! I didn't even have to force him or even beg! He just DID! Maybe he wants to trust me... but can't... he most likely believes this is a trick just to tear him apart. The worst part is that it sounds like me, I don't want him to think of me like that anymore... but damn is it fun to make him angry.

The bell rings for lunch, forcefully yanking me out of my gayly deep thoughts. My eyes search the room everywhere for Kahl, quickly to see that he's already right next to the door, making his way out with Stan by his side. Ah well, maybe I can speak to him at lunch.

I stand next to the table, cafeteria tray in my glove covered hands. Kahl in front of me and Kenny to my right. I slam the food covered tray down on to the table, attempting- and succeeding- to catch everyone's attention. Kahl gives me a look, afraid of what I'm going to say, but also getting ready to retaliate and yell at my face.

I stop and just stand there awkwardly for a couple of seconds as my table mates stare in confusion and annoyance. Well, mostly the second one. At this point everone is so done with my bull crap that they are more annoying than surprised. Slowly everyone at the table just went back to eating their food and completely forgetting about what just happened. Kahl began to do the same.

"Kahl," I paused, waiting for him to raise his head back up. He slowly looks at me, but not like he's going to say anything. He looks... scared... "can we talk after school?" I whisper loud enough so he can hear. He looks at me for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond. I expected him to at least yell at me for it. He looked back down at his food, completely dismissing what I just asked, "Kaaaaahl pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

"-Sure, fine whatever!" He yell-whispered. There's my Jew~

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