Volume 2/Chap 9: Mischievous Acts of Slavic Five

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(a/n): thank you guys for 6k reads. And FOREVER 69 VOTES. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. (no sarcasm included)
(written a few months back)

Update: 81. Dammit. Well back to this semi-successful shitpost.


Recruit got an upgrade. Which sounds amazing now that he can't bleed out anymore, but at the same time, NOT ENOUGH BULLETS FOR THE 1911 TACO. Well we take what we can get right? And with all that said Recruit is-

currently fighting generic goons at Junior's Back Alley Brawl Ring since his bar's closed for repairs and all the 9000+ times it got trashed by other Protagonists, Junior had enough and decided to open this shady business at the back. I mean sure the back wall can break but It's just a wall, pretty sure that's easier to fix than an entire goddamn bar. I forgot to mention that it's 1 AM in the morning.

Why he's beating them up you ask? Well because he thought he got rusty from his temporary hiatus, and he wanted to keep up with his mates. Oh and he also isn't wearing pants too, so you can imagine him suplexing tuxedo'd goons while his
B I G  S C H W I N G
Hangs out, leaving the females who were watching secretly wet (Don't blame me for bad writing, I am soooo burned out from the EBF story). After a pantsless brawl of 1v7, Recruit got the time and it was already 3 AM.

Recruit: "Oh Boy 3 AM!" *takes out a [non-descript hamburger from non-descript burger joint] and eats it in two bites* "Well this was fun and all, but I gotta go."

Recruit would've gotten home if not for a red light shining down on him.

Recruit:"what the f......Blood God?"

Red Light: "no comrade. Is me. Comrade-"


Red Light: "how you know I am spetsnaz?"

Recruit, already next to the red light: "Because Red Light is Comrade Glaz"

Red Light, who is now Glaz: "ay blyat i should have worn redder clothing"

Recruit: "So, what you doing on roof?"

Glaz had his reasons for being here, number One is Echo. Two is he was bored and Three where is The-

Glaz: "mm.....reasons"

Recruit: "you sure? Because I can party until 7 AM" *pulls out boombox, plays hardbass, squats and summons Semechki and Vodka*

Glaz: "ok hold on" *pulls out megaphone titled "Slav Sygnal"* "IS CHEEKI BREEKI TYME"

suddenly the roof just turns into a bigger party than one of Junior's 'events'. The roof was filled with Gopniks and Gopnitsas dancing to the Hardbass, the Slavs and Slavettes either passed out drunk from Vodka or are squat kicking away the other Slavs, Glaz and Recruit are just squatting. Glaz painting Self-Portrait of himself, Recruit making whole-ass Bob Ross paintings. 

One thing I forgot to mention is that I wrote this entire part when I was blasted outta my mind, which seems good but the plot doesn't progress at all. Well this part is where it actually gets my brain going.

After  the Russian Rooftop Rape, Glaz and Recruit are both squatting with a lot of paintings surrounded them, mostly Bob 'Recruit' Ross paintings, and self-portraits of every Team Rainbow member, Yes, even Recruit.

Recruit: "so how did you get here in the first place?"

Glaz, trying to seem Cool Calm and Collected: "Echo."

Recruit: "ah, I see now. So, would you like to come with me? I know three of our comrades are here in this world"

Glaz: "don't try and simplify things, I am an artist, remember? I know the basics of Remnant already."

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