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[14th December - Holmdel]

"We're going to get caught," Calum sighed leaning further back into the pillow. 

Ashton placed a kiss against his adam's apple, his arm laying across Calum's chest and his right knee laying between the other's legs. He's comparable to a blanket and Calum wished he could just enjoy it.

"I don't care," Ashton mumbled against his throat.

Calum sighed, "get out of my bunk," he pulled his neck and head to the side, away from Ashton, attempting to sit up in the confined space. 

He desperately wanted to stay there with Ashton wrapped around him. Having things back the way they were on break would be the perfect reprieve from the constant thoughts and incessant question marks floating around his mind. It had worked almost perfectly last time, sure a few thoughts had stuck regardless, but it was nothing on what he was dealing with right now. He still didn't know who KayKay was, and he had no idea who Ashton would be seeing over the break, and on top of that, he was scared at every given moment that someone was going to hand him a photo of he and Ashton somewhere, all over each other, and tell him to leave.   

The older man's hand slid up, holding his shoulder, rubbing gently with his thumb, "No," he sighed, "c'mon Cal it's our last day together, I'm not going to see you until January," 

He relaxed into Ashton's hand and sighed, "easy for you, if we get caught you'll still have a job," 

Ashton drew himself back and tilted his head, so they were face to face, "I don't know why you always say stuff like that, I'd never let anything happen to you, I wouldn't let them do that," 

Calum's mind blanked, leaving only the words hanging there, 'I'd never let anything happen to you'. His brow furrowed and Ashton's eyes were still staring into his own eyebrows mirroring Calum's, "you... you wouldn't?" he asked slowly, sure he'd misinterpreted the words. They were just words after all, but the sentiment struck something deep in Calum's chest. 

"You're my boyfriend, I-I don't want anything to happen to you," his voice came out confused as if the concept shouldn't be so foreign to Calum.


If Calum's mind were blank before it was now an empty void, where fully formed thoughts went to die. His mouth had dropped open just the slightest bit, and he was sure his eyes must have had vacancy signs hung in them, he was completely dumbstruck. 

"I'm your boyfriend?" he asked slowly, his brows only millimetres from forming one. 

Ashton's concerned face shifted, and he chuckled in a sort of astonished way, "I would hope so, I mean, I- yeah I thought you were," 

Calum's thoughts had returned but didn't offer him any comprehension or eloquence, "I thought I was a booty call?" it came out as a question because that's how it was hanging in his mind, cluttered by a million other similar question like statements he was unable to synthesis. 

The look he received from Ashton was one of complete disbelief, "Are you serious? I thought you saying that stuff was like, an inside joke. There's no way I would be curled up in your bunk just talking if you were a booty call, I certainly wouldn't have let you stay at my house for a week. Not to mention letting you into my band," 

He was still trying to process all of this. What sort of person assumed they were in a relationship when you hadn't even had 'the talk'? His 'boyfriend' apparently. Instead of bringing this up though he settled on by far his most insightful question so far, "what?"

"Oh man, we are not on the same page," Ashton paused for a moment, the wheels finally starting to turn in his head, "did you think I invited you to my place to fuck for a week?"

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