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[24th of January - On the Road]

"Okay, one, two, three, go!"

Calum tilted the phone up, and Michael started shouting at him immediately, "Uh... Red! London! Superman! Not many left!"

"Phone box!" Calum shouted back.

"YES!" Michael cheered victoriously, taking a swig of his drink happily, "we are clearly the superior team," he declared, turning to grin at Luke beside him.

Ashton's hand snaked around Calum's waist and squeezed his hip when he turned to look at him the older man was giving him a warm smile.

"Fuck I can't wait to go home," Michael groaned suddenly, and Ashton and Calum's heads snapped around to see the other pair watching them, "I miss Crystal so much," he said, downing the last of his drink.

Calum blushed and squirmed slightly in Ashton's embrace, "You know one day, people are going to know we're dating? What are you going to do then?"

"You're so old I thought you'd be dead before then," Calum told him cheekily.

Luke and Michael' oooed' and laughed along with Calum, "Kids these days are so cheeky," Michael said, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"Keep making jokes about Calum being my child bride, and I'll call your cradle snatcher girlfriends and tell them," Ashton chastised, but a grin came across his face as he spoke.

Michael took a long drink before responding, coolly indifferent, "been meaning to ask Crystal about that, Calum, Luke and I should start a club."

"Twinks United?" Ashton asked seriously.

"I'm not a twink, those two," Michael pointed at Luke and Calum, "definitely. Me? No way,"

Luke and Calum rolled their eyes almost perfectly in sync, "Yeah but our girlfriends are hot, they clearly settled for us, Calum settled for you, it's different," Luke told him, and everyone laughed good-naturedly.

"Points have been made," Michael declared.

Calum turned to face Ashton who gave him a fake sad face, "It's okay baby, we both know you're my boy toy, don't worry about it," without thinking he leant in and pressed a soft kiss to the tip of Ashton's nose, he pulled back and saw Luke and Michael smiling at them softly, and he blushed, shifting himself away from Ashton slightly.

Luke chuckled at them, "who knew all it would take to get Calum to act like your boyfriend around us was a bit of alcohol,"

"Imagine what a lot of alcohol could do," Michael teased, waggling his eyebrows.

"Don't. It's his birthday tomorrow, he doesn't need to be hungover, you and Calum drinking together is dangerous," Ashton said sternly.

Michael laughed loudly, "Oh come on, we had fun, didn't we Cal?"

Calum thought for a moment, "I only remember half of it, but the part I remember was pretty good, honestly," he laughed before continuing bravely, "And I woke up the next morning, and Ashton had packed my bag and laid out clothes for me, and then I got to curl up on Ashton's lap in the car, cause I was hungover and I could get away with it," he grinned happily.

"Wanted to make out with you so bad that morning, but you smelt like JD and cigarettes," Ashton smiled warmly at him, and tried to draw Calum closer again, the younger boy scooted further into the booth, taking his drink with him.

He started to drink it as quickly as he could, Michael and Luke laughed as Ashton tried to reach across and snatch it from his hand, but before he could manage it, the can was empty.

"Cal, come back here, I just want to be a couple for twenty minutes," he whined.

Calum shook his head, "I'm a virgin, I don't want anyone to think I'm giving it away to you,"

Michael started laughing hard, "Yeah, virgins have dildos of their boyfriends' dicks,"

Luke paused for a moment before realisation lit up his face, "Oh my god, Oh, my, god, I had that in my hand!" Luke almost screeched.

"Hey! It's never been in me!" Calum said defensively.

"He bottomed for you?" Luke asked in disbelief.


Ashton blushed, blushed! "I told you I'm Calum's boy toy,"

"Wait, wait, wait, let's circle back around," Michael announced, "You used a dildo of Ashton's dick on Ashton?"

For once Calum was laughing, and Ashton was a bright shade of red, "It was Calum's idea," he said quietly.

Calum grinned, his cheeks a lovely flushed colour, not from embarrassment but from the alcohol that was steadily loosening him up, "Calum are you secretly like... a dom or something?" Michael asked his brows furrowing in confusion.

"Wouldn't you like to know Michael," Calum told him raising an eyebrow.

The others laughed, and Ashton moved closer subtly, "I don't think I want to deal with a jealous Ashton," Michael said.

Calum scoffed as Ashton slowly started to rub his knee under the table, they shared a look between the them and laughed lightly.

Luke and Michael gave them funny looks, "What?" Michael asked.

"Nothing, just Ashton's so not the jealous type," Calum said shrugging, "it's frustrating as hell sometimes," her rolled his eyes and shifted closer to the table, as he moved Ashton's hand didn't, so now it rested on Calum's inner thigh, a few inches from his dick.

"I don't have any reason to be jealous," he said simply, kissing the side of Calum's head.

"I'm going to fuck Michael," Calum declared.

"That's nice love," Ashton said, leaning into Calum's side and smiling into his shoulder. "You don't love him, though, so I don't mind. Film it for me, please?" he kissed Calum's shoulder.

Michael was still looking at them, his face stunned, Luke was just chuckling next to him, clearly unsurprised.

"This is what I'm talking about!" Calum complained, leaning his head back against the seat.

"I know, I'm a monster for not assuming you're going to leave me at any given moment," Ashton said sighing and rolling his eyes.

"Well at least neither of you are jealous types, it'd be worse if one of you was and the other wasn't," Luke said, Calum imagined he was trying to be diplomatic.

Michael smirked at Calum, and Ashton squeezed his thigh, "Oh Calum's a bitch when it comes to other people I've slept with, I'm honestly a little afraid to introduce him to KayKay," he said laughing.

Calum smacked him, "don't say things like that! People will think I'm obsessed with you," he turned to Luke, readying his defence. "Ashton's just so casual about everything, they could have been nearly engaged, and he wouldn't have brought it up, so I worry sometimes he's downplaying things,"

"He's got you there man," Luke shrugged chuckling. 

This is a bit shorter than normal but, the next chapter won't be far off! Please comment and let me know what you think! 

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