Chapter 25

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Saras P.O.V

"zabdi espera (wait)" i yell trying to catch up to him as he runs to get in line for the cars ride

zabdi brought me to disneyland today as my birthday present and to have some "brother-Sister Date"

"ZABDIE-" i scream but cover my mouth in shock as i see him trip on top of a little kid

"OH MY GOD"i say running to him trying not to laugh

"are you okay" i say

"si un poc (yes a lit)" zabdiel says but i push him out of the way to make sure the little kid is okay

he nods as he stares at the scrape on his knee

"come on let me help you with that" i say as i help him up and take him to a bench

"si gracias estoy bien (thank you im fine too)" zabdiel says as he comes sit down next to me crossing his arms

i look at him and shake my head at him acting like a little kid

"what your name champ" i ask the little boy who was trying not to cry

"Pepe" he says as he looks at me

"well pepe looks like we are all done" i say as i put a bandaid on him

"thank you"he shyly says as he gives me a hug

"aww youre very welcome" i say

"Perdon campion fue mi culpa que te caiste (im sorry champ it was my fault you fell)" zabdiel says as he takes pepe from my side and puts him on his lap

"esta bien (its okay)" pepe hugs zabdiel

"que tal si vamos y te compro algo en la tienda si? ( how about we go and buy you something at the store)" zabdiel says as we get up

all pepe does is nod his head shyly

"Pepe donde estabas (where were you)" i see a middle aged woman come up to him

"perdon señora es que me tropeze en el y lo venimos a curar (im sorry mam i fell on top of him so we came to clean him up)" zabdiel explains to pepes mom

"esta bien mijo (its okay)"she tells us

"esta bien si podemos llevar a pepe a escoger algo ala tienda (is it okay if we take pepe to the store and buy him something as a apology gift)" i tell his mom as pepe just gives her puppy eyes

"si si esta bien (yes yes its fine) " she gives us a small smile

we happily clap and take pepes hands heading to the store

as we walk in zabdiel and pepes eyes light up seeing all the cars things there are

we tell pepe to choose what he wants

he walks around the store and see this big cars trailer with all the little characters and gasps

i smile at his little reaction and look at zabdiel who is just looking at the little kid in awe

we see pepe return with a pair of cars ears

"you didnt want the trailer"I ask him as i see him looking at us

he shakes his head and gives us a small smile. I stand there looking at zabdiel and he gives me a go look at the trailer

I nod and head towards to it and notice the price tag was flipped. ah theres the problem he saw the price. I felt bad and grabbed the trailer and head to another cashier so he wont see me pay it

After paying for the toy i go out and see him and zabdiels with pepes family

"SURPRISE" i say as i hand him the box

all i see are his big brown eyes light up when seeing the toy he wanted

"you couldve gotten it you know"̉i tell him

"thank you thank you thank you" is all he says as he hugs me

"you are very welcome" i say smiling

"muchas gracias que dios los bendiga" pepes mom says as she motions him to hug us bye

He does as hes told and hugs us after that he waves bye at us and we wave back smiling

"vamos al juego (lets go on the ride now" zabdiel says as he grabs my hand running through the crowd of people .

..................................4 hrs later.................................................

"zabdi vamos a comer (lets go eat)" i tell zabdiel as we start driving back home

"que se te antoja (what do you want)" he asks me not taking his eyes off the road

"i dont know what do you want" i tell him as i start thinking of what im craving

after of 10 minutes of silence we look at eachother

"PIZZA" we both yell at the same time

we pull up to a little ceasars and get some pizzas and crazy bread

after our pizza run we decide to pull up in a dessert road and sit in the back of the truck looking the at the stars

we start talking about our childhoods and tell each other our embarrassing stories

like if we were old friends we bonded over the smallest things

"ahora un pregunta seria (now for a serious question)" zabdiel asks me "team joel, team frankie o team victor" zabdiel looks at me trying not to burst out laughing

"que tal team sara (how about team sara)" i say as i look at him

"team sara" he looks at me puzzled

"si, mira yo amo a joel la verdad pero esque ahorita estoy confundida (yes, look i love joel i really do but im confused)" i say as i look at the ground

"y por que (why)" zabdiel asks me as he takes a bite from his pizza

"no se pero cuando tenga una respuesta te digo (idk but when i have an answer ill tell you)" i tell him as i look up at the sky

"sara ya sabes que estoy aqui para ti por siempre y para siempre. Eres mi hermanita no biologica pero de corazon te amo pequeña ( yk im always here for you forever and always. youre my little sister, not biological but chosen i love you little one)"zabdiel hugs me. we let go and head towards the front and start heading back home .


yes this chapter sucked but im having writers block rn im so sorry :( i hope next chapter is better also im going to fix this story A LOT SO if you guys get updates than im so sorry lol

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