Chapter 35

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Saraiths P.O.V

"MOMMMMMYYYY" i yell running through the house trying to find my mom 

"YA LLEGO ITS HERE" I yell again dragging the boxes that were delivered moments earlier which was my dress 

"will you shut up" daniel yells on top of the stairs 

I look up and stick my tongue out at him while he flips me off . I pretend to be shock and dramatically stomp 

"Now will you stop being an ass and come help me. Im not getting any younger" i say snapping my fingers 

he huffs and comes to helps me carry the boxes to the living room 

"what is in these things" He says putting the last box down 

"my dress and crinolina I think" i say as I open the first box 

"esperate, I'm here" my mom says as she comes down the stairs 

I start cutting the box carefully so I don't rip anything inside as I open the box I can see the pink material shinning. 

"oh my god" i say as I take out the corset with the light hitting the flowers and rhinestones making them sparkle 

"its so beautiful" my mom says as she looks at it in awe "call the girls and tell them to come over" my mom asks

"and this is my cue to leave" dani says as he walks away towards the front door 

"Hey hey hey where are you going" my mom asks daniel 

"out"he says as he walks out 

me and my mom just look at each other with confused looks 

"who does this hijo de la chingada thinks he is" my mom says 

I laugh and call the girls to come over 


30 minutes later the girls show up aka becky, her mom and paty 

"okay are you guys ready, we already open the corset," i say as I pull It out of the box again 

"its beautiful" they say in unison

they stare at in awe 

I put it against my body as i look at my reflection at the mirror behind the couch 'wow' i think as i take in the details of the dress the pink fabric covered in flowers and crystals really took a toll on me. I can't believe this was happening 

"you okay Mija" patty asks as she stares at me 

I nod "yeah I'm fine, just really excited for this," I say turning around putting the corset down 

I go back to the boxes and start opening them once I open them,  it was the crinoline and bottom skirts to make the dress puffy. It was nothing exciting 

"How many crinolines are you using," Becky asks

"4" I reply as I get another box 

"damn girly you're gonna look like a cupcake" Becky laughs as she helps me open another box 

"the goal was a pink loufa" I say laughing 

"okay im going to need all of your help to put it on" i say asking them grabbing the crinolines 


"NO IT GOES THIS WAY" I was yelling trying to adjust the crinoline 

"WAIT WHAT PIECE GOES FIRST" Paty yells trying to ruffle the tulle skirt 

"IM STUCK IM LOST"becky says under me fixing the dress 

"okay the last layer... ARMS UP"my mom yells as she throws the dress over my shoulders 

"how does it look" I say as I look at all 4 faces with pure excitement in their eyes 

"mi niña" my mom says as she takes a picture "its for your dad" she says 

"3 more weeks" becky says


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