Faith I | Misunderstood Guide

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(PROTIP: The romal numerals show how close the pair is, just like how you rank up in the game, each chapter will have a roman numeral showing how close the pair is. If there is two of the same roman numeral, the relationship didn't rank up)


It was a normal morning for most Shujin Academy students, or at least it was until news of a new transfer student with a criminal record spread like wildfire.

The bluenette girl tsked in disgust of the idiotic chatter of her peers and she looked away, tapping her fingers to a slow yet rhythmic beat.

"Did you hear?! We're going to have a new classmate today?"

"Yeah! And I heard he's on probation of physical assault!"

"He must really be a delinquent if he decides to skip on his first day."

The girl would normally roll her eyes at the comments and just rule it out as "Exaggerated Nonsense"; but since she was a member of the student council she was indeed aware that there was a new transfer student and he did have a criminal record. And above all else, he was late for class on his first day.

So as much as she hated to admit it, the rumors were true.

And the not-so-lucky bluenette was instructed to guide the new student for the day so that he could get a feel for the classes. If he ever decided to show up.

Maybe she was lucky though, maybe he wouldn't show up at all today and she wouldn't have to guide anybody.

"Yuuen Morito, please report to the office immediately." The announcer said just as her train of thought concluded.

And I guess she wasn't so lucky after all.


"Morito-san, I would like to introduce Akira Kurusu, he is the new transfer student you will guide today." A faculty member instructed gesturing me to a slim shaggy-haired boy with large black glasses, that hid his eyes unless you looked directly into them.

The bluenette's auburn eyes widened in a slight combination of fear and shock.

'For a delinquent, he sure did seem... proper. And slightly attractive at that.'

Not that the girl would blush at a thought like that, she was just stating facts.

After she had realized the boy was waiting for her to continue she immediately ducked her head into a bow lower then it should have been and quickly introduced herself.

"My name is Yuuen Morito, I'll be your guide for the day. Feel free to ask me any questions along the tour." She sweatdropped at how awkward she made that boy feel. She legit stared at him with a shocked look on her face for like two minutes.

"And, I'm sorry for staring." She added quickly and respectfully, finally mustering the courage to look the boy back in the eyes before, who surprisingly seemed unfazed to the stare.

But I suppose people have been staring at him ever since he walked into the building with that kind of reputation on his back.

"Now if you would follow me." Yuuen smiled awkwardly leading him out of the office and into the school building.


"And finally, here is the library," Yuuen said showing the black-haired student the quiet and almost empty library. Not that anyone would be there, Class is already in session.

The two students took a seat at one of the far tables in the back of the library, next to the window as she began to answer any of the questions the almost silent boy had.

"Alright, now that I'm done giving you my tour if you don't mind me asking, why were you so late to class today?" Yuuen questioned resting her hand on her chin.

The black-haired boy pondered how to answer that, but finally settled with a good response.

"I got lost." He pushed up his glasses a bit preventing the bluenette from seeing his eyes due to the strong glare.

"For half the day?" The girl hardened her suspicious glare as she looked his way pouting a bit.

Akira did nothing but turn away and sweat a bit.

'Fine, be that way.' She mumbled with a slight 'Hmph'.

Akira smiled at the girl's cute actions, he would have told her the truth but it's highly unlikely that she wouldn't think he's a crack-head or something.

Akira sweatdropped at the thought.

"Morito-san, Thank you very much for the tour. It was very informative." Akira praised which the girl looked up in shock.

"N-No problem!" She stuttered out shocked that the so-called delinquent was so respectful and humble.

"Also Kurusu-kun, you're probably going to have a rough time for the first few weeks with all the rumors, especially when it comes to making friends and stuff. If you ever need a hand with something I'll be around, either in class or in the Student Council Room. Just give me a shout if you're in trouble." She smiled continuing, "You're not as bad as the rumors make you out to be."

"O-oh, thanks. I will keep that in mind." Akira returned the smile with a grateful gleam in his eye.

Soon the bell rung signaling school was over for the day.

"Alrighty! That's the bell, I've got club meetings to do!" Yuuen stretched standing up from her seat, then gathering her belongings.

"I think you can manage to get home just fine on your own." Yuuen smiled but it quickly turned into one of mischief. "Unless you decide to get "Lost" again." She smirked making Akira get slightly flustered at her snarky comment.

"It's not my fault this city's so damn big," Akira mentioned earning a small giggle from the bluenette.

"Alright, whatever you say Kurusu!" She giggled at the boy's antics.

"Also just a word of advice, but don't tell anyone I told you this, but" She said seriously, "Stay away from Kamoshida, and never join the volleyball team." Her glare hardened into one of pure hatred and seriousness. She then proceeded to exit the library.

"I mean seriously, don't do it." She said once more before shutting the door to the library leaving the black-haired boy slightly speechless at her words.

'A little late for that,' Akira sweatdropped at his ignorance. 'If only he had known that sooner.'

The boy was about to leave when he noticed a small yet familiar dazzling blue butterfly fly past.

And the infamous words rang in his ears.

'I am thou, thou art I'

'Thou has unlocked the 'Faith' Arcana.'


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