Faith III | Warm Coffee and Friendly Smiles

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(PROTIP: I drew the title image back in April of 2019!)


"Oof!" A certain auburn-eyes bluenette said as she bumped into somebody falling onto the floor.

"Oh! I'm sorry, are you ok?" A black-haired girl asked pulling Yuuen up. She seemed to have flinched a bit when Yuuen grabbed her, which didn't go unnoticed by Yuuen.

"Are you ok?" She asked noticing the wince of the helpful girl as she grabbed her arm.

"I-I'm fine!" She stuttered out retracting her arm a safe distance away and looking away.

"I'm Yuuen Morito. Thank you for helping me." Yuuen said changing topics.

She wanted to talk more about the bruises that littered her hands and face and her uneasiness when Yuuen grabbed her arm but she decided to save that for another time, the girl obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh, it's not a problem Morito-senpai. I'm just glad I can help." The black-haired girl which was held up in a ponytail said. "I'm Shiho Suzui."

"Shiho, that's a pretty name." Yuuen complimented. "Mind if I call you Shiho-chan?" Yuuen smiled cheerfully making the girl break out into a small smile as well.

"That's fine." Shiho smiled bashfully, she really wasn't in the mood to smile but there was something about being around Yuuen that you couldn't help but be happy when she's happy.

"Then call me Yuuen-chan or Yuu-chan, your choice." She said determinedly with a happy smile on her face.

"N-no, I could never. You're my upperclassmen, not to mention a member of the Student Council." Shiho said nervously recognizing her name. She knew of Yuuen's big sister reputation and now she could clearly see why she had it.

"Don't worry about it! We're friends, aren't we? Which means we should refer to each other by first name!" Yuuen smiled as Shiho looked at her in shock.

"F-friends?" She questioned nervously.

"Of course! You seem like a nice person, therefore I want to be friends with you!" Yuuen said obviously with a happy gleam in her eyes.

"I-if you say so... Yuu-chan." Shiho stuttered nervously, not used to calling Yuuen by her first name.

"How about this, I know a good place to get coffee and a friend of mine will make it for free. Meet me after school and we'll go together." Yuuen said happily as Shiho couldn't help but comply.

Yuuen knew this girl was having a bad day, so what better to do then to cheer her up with some warm coffee and friendly smiles.

It was the only thing she could do.


"This is the place." Yuuen smiled opening the doors to the small cafe, Leblanc.

"O-oh, I've never seen this place before," Shiho mentioned looking around at the slightly retro booths and tables found in the cafe.

"Yeah, it's kind of a hole-in-the-wall kind of place. But because of that, it doesn't get too crowded which is nice for a change." Yuuen smiled taking a seat at the counter.

"Good afternoon Sakura-san." Yuuen waved to Sojiro who gave a small smile.

"Oh, Morito-san. You're back, and you brought a friend this time." Sojiro said looking at the shy black-haired girl who took a seat next to Yuuen.

"Yeah, she was having a bad day so I thought what could be a better way to cheer her up then some warm coffee?" Yuuen smiled as Shiho looked at her in shock.

"Yuu-chan... you didn't have to do that," Shiho said looking at the bluenette in shock.

"Don't worry about it, that's what friends are for." Yuuen said simply as Sojiro brought over too cups of coffee, one of which was loaded with cream and sugar which was given to Yuuen.

"In that case, this cup is on the house," Sojiro said handing Shiho a cup.

"N-no, I can't accept that." Shiho stuttered nervously.

"It's fine, just promise to come back. You guys bring me more customers and your a little more lively than the elders who sit here for four hours just for a single cup of coffee." Sojiro said rubbing the back of his head. "Although, you're paying for your coffee!" Sojiro scolded at the bluenette making her whine.

"Aww! Come on! Please?" She begged which Sojiro just sighed.

 "You've got the last four cups for free when you went here!" Sojiro said leaning against the back counter. "I made no profits if you don't pay."

"Aww man. Lame. Kurusu-kun always makes me coffee for free." Yuuen pouted as she sipped her coffee. Shiho couldn't help but chuckle at the bluenettes interaction.

"Speaking of which, where is Kurusu-kun?" Yuuen asked as Sojiro gave her a shrug.

"Didn't come home from school today, he's probably hanging out with some friends or whatever." Sojiro sighed, "I honestly believed that you were his only friend, but I guess I was wrong, seeing as you are here."

Yuuen pondered for a moment before remembering how she saw Akira and Ryuji talking to each other.

She sighed, she didn't know Ryuji that well. But she knew all he did was cause trouble.

Hopefully, Akira wouldn't turn out like that.

"He has a few," Yuuen said taking another sip.

"You don't sound so happy saying that," Sojiro said noticing her shifted gaze.

"I'm just worried that they're a bad influence on the already bad student." Yuuen sighed before looking back to Shiho.

"Well whatever, I'm just here to cheer Shiho up so it doesn't really matter what he's doing." Yuuen said looking back to the brown-eyed girl.

"Thank you very much for doing this Yuu-chan. You didn't have to go through all of this just for me. But it did make me very happy so thank you." Shiho said gratefully smiling down at her now empty cup.

"No problem Shiho-chan!" Yuuen smiled causing the other two people in the cafe to smile just a smidge. 

"You're very kind," Shiho said standing up and placing 300 yen on the table. "Thank you for everything, Sakura-san. And I'll come back and recommend this place to a few of my friends."

"Thanks for the business," Sojiro said watching as the black-haired girl left.

"Shiho-chan!" Yuuen exclaimed making the black-haired girl look back just as she was about to walk out the door.

"I had fun today, let's do this again!" Yuuen smiled which made the black-haired girl smile brightly in happiness.

"Sure!" She smiled as she left, a lot happier than she was before.


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