Faith ??? | A Rotten Petal

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PROTIP: Akira wasn't too keen on getting criticism of the Phantom Thieves. This developed a slight fear in which he convinced himself that what he was doing and how he behaved was always just with no exceptions. This fear of being unjust led to the slight development of a shadow.


The boy plopped onto his bed with a slight sigh.

"I don't know... maybe she got upset over something, or got into an argument with someone." 

He flinched as the words resonated in his mind.

"Damn it." Akira cussed aloud, covering his eyes with his shaky arm. 

He sighed lifting his arm off his face and letting hang in the air in front of him.

"Why did she get so frightened anyway? And enough to run away?" He squinted as he looked at his shaky hand in which he held above him. "I just voiced my thoughts, The Phantom Thieves are just, what's wrong with saying that?!"

His eyes hardened as his sadness and guilt became mixed with bitterness and anger.

"Akira..." Morgana's eyes widen as he stared into his leader's angered yellow eyes.

They gleamed a bright, resilient yellow and the cat could feel every hair on his back stick up in fear.

"What is it?!" He snapped looking at the fearful cat.

"Y-Your eyes..." Morgana stuttered cowering towards the end of the bed.

"My eyes?" Akira questioned feeling around his eyes to sense if anything was wrong, "What's wrong with my...."

He stopped before rushing to the bathroom to come face to face with himself in the mirror.

His eyes glistened a dark malicious gold before softening into the now-fearful gray eyes of the boy from before.

"Gold..." He mumbled feeling confused and sick all over again.

"Why did... my eyes seem gold?" He asked crouching down into the floor, distraught and conflicted with himself.

"You just got upset," Morgana explained trying to comfort the unstable boy who began to shake in fear.

"Your eyes don't turn gold just because you're upset!" He hissed looking down at the floor, clenching his shaky hand as if it could reduce the fear he anxiety he felt in his chest.

"Was that... what scared Yuuen?" He questioned in a fragile voice, already knowing the answer.

A part of him wanted to deny the reason his eyes turned to gold; blow it off as just a fluke, or the lighting.

But deep down he knew, only a shadow could have eyes that gleamed such a dark and disgusting gold.

He knew because he saw Kamoshida.... and Madarame, and Kaneshiro's eyes which gleamed the same gold.

Which means, no matter how much he wanted to deny it,

Akira is a shadow.

He felt the need to throw up.

No wonder she was so frightened, she had come face to face with something as terrifyingly corrupt as the face of a shadow.

"But why...?" The words hesitated off his lips as he clenched the slightly grimy surface of the upstairs bathroom.

Now that he was aware of the presence of a shadow he could tell it was very minuscule, but still present; like one rotten petal in a garden of flowers.

Soon the feeling of guilt clawed at him again.

But this time, he indefinitely knew; he was the only one to blame.

'I'm sorry Yuuen... please forgive me.' He silently wished as he slumped to the ground; not feeling the energy to leave the bathroom and go back to his room.

The cat just watched the downtrodden boy before curling up into a ball himself and looking off to the old 19th-century clock on the wall.


Makoto stared off into space, deep in thought at the events of the previous night.

'Morito-san seemed really off yesterday, I knew he was colder since his wife died... but that was just cruel.' She held her chin with her hand as she leaned against the dark maroon lockers.

" NIJIMA-SENPAI!" Ryuji yelled in her face to snap her out of her thoughts.

"O-Oh!" She stuttered not realizing someone was calling for her, "Sakamoto-kun, this is rare. What's wrong?" She questioned raising a brow.

Ryuji looked around almost as if he was checking to see if anyone nearby was listening before deciding to speak,  "I never met him but didn't Mori-chan's dad seem pretty fishy?" He asked whispering.

"Fishy?" Makoto questioned at his odd choice of words.

"Yeah! Like fake or like suspicious!" Ryuji argued still whispering.

"Um... It's not polite to call other's suspicious, but why are we whispering?" Makoto commented unable to help herself from whispering as well.

"D-don't worry about it." Ryuji said slightly embarrassed, "Anyways, didn't he though?"

"I mean... I guess he did seem a little off..." Makoto questioned thinking about how cold he was when the group showed up.

"Right?!" He smiled knowing someone agrees.

"I don't know her father but it isn't like Mori-chan to disappear without saying anything," Ryuji stated as Makoto's eyes widened in shock.

"You're right." The words fell from her lips as she came to the realization, "That's what didn't add up! Why would Yuu-chan leave without even consulting me first? It just doesn't make any sense?"

"See! I told you! I'm telling you, man, her dad is suspicious as fuck, I wouldn't trust him." Ryuji stated as Makoto just glared at him for his vulgar language.

He mumbled out a 'Sorry' before rubbing the back of his head.

"So what do we even do? Whether or not Yuu-chan actually left is beyond the issue. Even if we wanted to go to Yuuen's house and say "Hi" to her, her dad wouldn't let us through." Makoto sighed leaning back against the lockers stumped on what to do.

"Which is why we do it without letting her father know," Ryuji suggested as Makoto's eyes widened in shock.

"You mean we break in?!" Makoto exclaimed, "That could get us arrested!"

"It's not breaking in!" Ryuji denied sighing as his brushed back his bangs, "We're just checking to see if she's alright, that's all. We say "Hi" and then once we confirm she's ok, we leave. That simple." Ryuji explained trying to make it sound better than it really was.

"I don't want to risk getting arrested... but I'm really worried..." Makoto's gaze fell as she contemplated the tough decision given to her. 

"Which is why we have to do this!" Ryuji urged as Makoto finally make up her mind.

"Alright then." She sighed brushing her hair away before racing Ryuji with her determined ruby orbs.

"I'm in."


Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara