Faith VII | Unflinching Kindness

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PROTIP: Out of the 22 missed calls and text messages on Yuuen's phone, Akira was responsible for over half of them.


"I hope you know, this is a terrible idea." Makoto huffed before hopping over the side of the fence.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, goody-two-shoes. Mori-chan will understand, we were just worried." Ryuji waved off before Makoto shot him a glare.

"You better not be lying." She hissed stepping onto the outside radiator in order to get a peek inside her room.

"So might you remind me why you're going first?" Ryuji rolled his eyes as the girl hesitated to look into the window.

"Like hell, I'd let a boy take a peek into her room! What if she was changing!" Makoto yelled kicked Ryuji in the face.

"Oww!" He hissed, "Damn! You don't need to get so aggressive!" He groaned rubbing his face which was defiantly forming a bruise.

"Huh?" She questioned as Ryuji was just itching to see what Makoto saw in her room.

"What is it?! What's wrong!?" Ryuji asked enthusiastically as Makoto furrowed her brows.

"It's empty." She commented looking back at Ryuji with a worried look.

"So I guess she really did leave." Ryuji sighed wiping his bangs back with his hand.

"But her light is on and all her stuff is in there..." Makoto questioned looking around her room.

Makoto furrowed her brows as she tried to reason why Yuuen wasn't in her room but all her stuff was there.

Her hand reached for the window's handle in order to get a better look but the moment she tugged on it, the window swung open knocking Makoto off-balance and causing her to fail backward.

"Gah!!!" She screamed as she braced for impact only to hear an annoyed groan.

"Ow! Damnit Nijima?! Could you watch where your falling next time?!" Ryuji hissed as he became the pillow that stopped Makoto's fall but in return, he felt all the pain, "I landed on my tailbone!"

"A-Ah?! I'm so sorry!" Makoto blushed with a bow as she scurried off of Ryuji. "I just wasn't expecting her window to be open..."

"Huh? Her window?" Ryuji asked looking at the now open window with a navy blue curtain blowing out of it.

"Why would she leave it open if she wasn't in her room?" Ryuji questioned taking a closer look.

"S-Sakamoto-kun?! Just what do you think you're doing?!" Makoto whisper-screeched as Ryuji began to climb into Yuuen's room.

"You've got to be kidding me!" She groaned before pushing herself up onto the window ledge and stepping inside Yuuen's room herself.

"So this is what a girl's room looks like..." Ryuji rubbed his chin looking around, "Less pink than I thought there'd be."

Makoto just smacked him above the head, "Don't get any ideas, Pervert! We're just checking to make sure Yuu-chan is ok. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Damn! Ok, I get it!" Ryuji rubbed his throbbing head as he investigated the room with Makoto, careful not to open any drawers in case he ran into some products a man shouldn't be able to see.

Soon he stumbled across a small blue cellphone lying on the ground. It had a clear case and a little charm hanging off the end.

"Hey Nijima-senpai, did you drop your phone?" Ryuji questioned picking the small device up.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now