Faith IX | Unchained Resolve

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PROTIP: The PROTIP for this chapter will be at the end of the chapter because of spoilers.


"Just how many guards are there!?" Skull exclaimed as they defeated yet another set of guards but had yet to reach Taiga.

Joker didn't respond however, he was far too focused on what was going on.

"Lunar, Yuuen, are you holding up alright?!" He asked unable to turn around and check himself, for he had to keep focused on the guards in front of him.

"We're fine! Worry about yourself first!" The feminine voice of Yuuen rang as he heeded her words.

This was the final hurdle, he had to pull through!

But despite his determination to win, there was just no end to the guards.

Soon a slight groan was heard behind him as he whipped around to see the blue-skinned maiden holding her head in obvious pain, backing away from Yuuen hesitantly.

"Lunar!" Yuuen panicked reaching her arm out but was pushed away by the maiden.

Taiga laughed.

"Did you honestly believe, that a servant of my fortress would be able to betray me?!" He laughed maniacally as the team shot him a glare.

"Shut up! Lunar doesn't have to listen to you! You aren't her master anymore!" Yuuen retorted glaring back at her so-called Father.

"Hm... does she now?" He asked sarcastically, chuckling a bit as Lunar began to release her grip on her head.

"Now, Maid. Do your job for once and grab Yuuen." He ordered as Lunar stood up straight, her eyes hollow.

"L-Lunar?!" Yuuen yelped a bit as she backed away, tripping over her own feet a bit as the blue-skinned maiden stood over her.

"Yuuen! Get away from her!" Joker pleaded but he was unable to get to her, there were just too many guards occupying his path to her.

Her hand loomed over Yuuen as Yuuen glared at her.

This wasn't how it had to be.

'You can fight it Lunar!' Yuuen seemed to scream with just her eyes alone. There wasn't anything else she could do or say, this was Lunar's fight now.

"Hah! My foolish daughter, do you really think breaking her bond to me is going to be that easy?! She's chained to my orders! She can't disobey!" Taiga sneered as Yuuen shot him a glare.

Lunar sure felt those chains.

They held her back, binding her tightly onto Taiga as they enclosed her arms and legs.

Granted there were no real chains there, but the chain of order her body was forcing her to follow was real enough.

'No... I don't want to do this!' She pleaded as she grabbed one of Yuuen's arms, Yuuen's unflinching gaze bore into her own.

"Yuuen, move!" Joker tried to order once again but she held her ground firmly.

She wasn't afraid at all. She had full confidence in her...

Lunar clenched her eyes shut.

She didn't have to do this.

She didn't have to listen to him.

'I won't!' She snapped her eyes open again.

And in that instance, the chains binding her to Taiga finally snapped.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ