chapter two

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harryheartscats: Louis

harryheartscats: Louuuuuis

harryheartscats: Lou-wee

harryheartscats: Want to hear a joke?

harryheartscats: Okay! :D

harryheartscats: What do you call a guy that never farts in public?

harryheartscats: A PRIVATE TUTOR!

harryheartscats: If you could see me, you'd know how hard I am laughing.

louthedinosaur00: it's v v hard to ignore you

louthedinosaur00: oh & you should just stick to writing fanfictions

harryheartscats: My mind belongs to writing, but my heart belongs to comedy.

harryheartscats: Do you want to hear another joke?

louthedinosaur00: no

harryheartscats: What is an astronaut's favorite place on the computer?

louthedinosaur00: stop

harryheartscats: THE SPACE BAR

louthedinosaur00: i'm going to report you

harryheartscats: Haha! You know I'm funny. x

Enough of my hilarious jokes. How was your day? :)

louthedinosaur00: well, i got fired from my job and my mom yelled at me three times today. so totally great.

harryheartscats: Oh, I'm sorry. Where did you work?

louthedinosaur00: some stupid ass lemonade shop in the mall called "lemony fresh"

i hated it so it's not /that/ big of a deal, but now i dont have a job soooo

harryheartscats: Have you started looking for a new one yet?

louthedinosaur00: ha ha ha

you're right. your jokes are hilarious!!!!

harryheartscats: It was just a question.

louthedinosaur00: well, the answer is no bc that takes a lot of time.

enough of me and my pathetic life, let's talk about yours because i am sure it's much better.

harryheartscats: My life isn't all that great. I just spent today with Aaron.

louthedinosaur00: screw you, i want details

harryheartscats: We just got ice cream and cuddled a bit at his house. No big deal.

louthedinosaur00: no biG DEAL??? THAT'S SO CUTE???/1//!//

harryheartscats: Haha, thanks.

Excuse me if this is too personal, but do you have someone special in your life?

louthedinosaur00: pfffFFFFTTTTT

harryheartscats: Is that a no?

louthedinosaur00: harry im a horrible human. there is no way im getting a boyfriend any time soon

harryheartscats: Don't say that! I'm sure you'll find someone.

louthedinosaur00: yeah in like thirty years

harryheartscats: That's not too bad.

louthedinosaur00: im 20 tho

harryheartscats: Old man.

louthedinosaur00: stfu

harryheartscats: I'm just kidding! I'm 18. :D

louthedinosaur00: aw, so young

harryheartscats: But I'm only two years younger than you.

louthedinosaur00: aw wow omg age difference <333

harryheartscats: O wow we r da best cupel evr <33344

louthedinosaur00: oh yus bb <3334556

harryheartscats: You're so much fun, wow.

louthedinosaur00: i could say the same thing to you

this is still so weird to me tbh. like, i'm sitting here reading the new update while i'm talking to you, my favorite author. i still don't believe it.

harryheartscats: Believe it, sister!

No, but really, I'm just a normal guy. A normal guy who has an addiction with gay fanfiction. xD

louthedinosaur00: literally me

harryheartscats: I gotta go, Louis. I have this stupid party to go to :/

I'll talk to you as soon as I can!

louthedinosaur00: alrighty!! bye harryyyyy x

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harryheartscats wrote on your message board: "Remind me to put you in my bio later. I'll probably forget."

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