chapter five

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harryheartscats: HELP.

harryheartscats: I need your smart brain.

harryheartscats: Well, smart-when-you-want-it-be brain is probably a better term for it but HELP.

louthedinosaur00: you said you gotta be up in the morning, gonna have an early night.

louthedinosaur00: and you're starting to bore me, baby.

louthedinosaur00: why'd you only pm me when you need help

harryheartscats: (.-.)

louthedinosaur00: i'm kidding. watchu want

harryheartscats: I'm stuck.

louthedinosaur00: on what

louthedinosaur00: glue??

harryheartscats: No. I'm having major writer's block for the next chapter of Warm Mittens and I desperately need your help.

louthedinosaur00: ooooooooo

louthedinosaur00: this better get me another dedication

harryheartscats: It will!

louthedinosaur00: okay gimme some info

harryheartscats: Well, after Ryan comes home, he finds Alex has sent him flowers. Keep in mind that Ryan still doesn't know Alex likes him. I don't know what to do after that.

louthedinosaur00: hmmm

louthedinosaur00: my smart brain is calculating some possibilities

louthedinosaur00: you know what i think?

louthedinosaur00: buttsex.

harryheartscats: LOUIS.

louthedinosaur00: what???

it's foolproof. that'll make all of your readers happy (including yours truly) and no one will be expecting it.

i should write a novel

harryheartscats: I'm not including smut this early into the book.

harryheartscats: this early??????/??// DUDE IT'S CHAPTER 20

harryheartscats: Too early.

louthedinosaur: you're no fun at all

louthedinosaur00: fine. let's seeeeee

ooh, you could have him call alex and ask him why he sent him flowers

harryheartscats: Yeah, okay, that can work.

louthedinosaur00: and then alex is like a stammering and blushing mess bc he doesn't know what to say

harryheartscats: Mhm.

louthedinosaur00: and then ryan just laughs because he's really truly flattered and he says they're beautiful and alex last minute says "just like you" and hangs up and bAM

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