chapter fifteen

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harryheartscats: Louis!!! Exactly two more weeks until we meet!!!! :D

louthedinosaur00: fUCk

louthedinosaur00: im sosoosososo excited

louthedinosaur00: i'm gonna meet my soulmate agdgjlnrgk

harryheartscats: Just 14 days and I get to see your beautiful face in front of mine.

louthedinosaur00: cries

louthedinosaur00: just 14 days and i get to hug you and smell you and probably squeeze you a lot

louthedinosaur00: oh and kiss you

louthedinosaur00: that's a thing too

harryheartscat: Did you notice that I'm counting down the days in my bio? :)

louthedinosaur00: such a cutie

louthedinosaur00: ooh i should do that. great idea harold!

harryheartscats: I'm full of great ideas. ;)

louthedinosaur00: hmm well you haven't been updating warm mittens lately so i wouldn't know

harryheartscats: Sorry, I've been a bit preoccupied lately.

louthedinosaur00: with what?

louthedinosaur00: me? ((;

harryheartscats: Well, yeah, but in real life as well. Brandon seriously won't leave me alone.

harryheartscats: I might've done something really awful, Lou...

louthedinosaur00: oh gosh. what is it?

harryheartscats: I kinda agreed to going out with him tonight.

louthedinosaur00: harry!

harryheartscats: I only agreed to it to get him off my back! Trust me, I don't really want to go on this stupid date.

louthedinosaur00: yes you do

harryheartscats: What? No I don't.

louthedinosaur00: harry...

harryheartscats: My heart belongs to you. You know this!

louthedinosaur00: you deserve a date, though. i can't give you that.

harryheartscats: Yes you can! I told you this; in two weeks, when we finally meet, I'm taking you on a date.

louthedinosaur00: that's sweet and all, but i seriously think you should try to enjoy yourself tonight

harryheartscats: Louis, you're kinda being ridiculous. Just a few days ago you were telling me you wanted to chop up his liver and now you're trying to persuade me to have fun?

louthedinosaur00: it's super complicated. i can't even put my feelings into words.

harryheartscats: I love you too much to have fun with someone else, baby.

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