chapter one

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an: hope this doesnt seem too confusing!

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Username: louthedinosaur00

Password: havemybabiespls


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New conversation with harryheartscats!

harryheartscats: Hey there! I was just reading your comments on WM and I really want to thank you for being so supportive. You've been with me since the beginning and I never got to show my gratitude. So again, thank you.

louthedinosaur: oh my gosh this can't be real omg om g were you hacked????

i mean, yeah. of course i've been supportive, your story is the best fanfiction i've ever read. like wow.

im sorry im kinda freaking out right now. you are my /idol/ so this is like whoaaaaa

harryheartscats: Haha, I'm flattered. x

It's weird to think of myself being someone's idol. Please don't look up to me, I'm stupid xD

louthedinosaur: ooh you put an x, that means we're married already. ((;

what? are you kidding?? you're not stupid! you're my favorite author and you write so well so of course you're gonna be my idol!

harryheartscats: We're married already? But I don't even know your name! I'm Harry, by the way, if you didn't already know.

Once again, I'm flattered. It's just weird, y'know?

louthedinosaur: names are just small details sillyhead. (my name is louis)

no, i wouldn't know, because i have like -9 talent and therefore i will never been someone's idol.

harryheartscats: Louis... Are you French or...? (it's a really nice name, just a question)

You can be my idol. :) x

louthedinosaur00: haha i wish i was french. no, i'm english. oh wait, you live in america, so you call me british.

aw wow. well since im your idol you have to start worshipping me at night.

harryheartscats: Hey, I'm British too! I moved to America a couple of months ago.

Wait, I'm your idol, so does that mean you worship ME at night? :D

louthedinosaur00: what i do at night is confidential.

harryheartscats: Ew.

louthedinosaur00: i didnT MEAN IT LIKE THAT YOU SICKO

harryheartscats: Haha, I'm just playing! How has your day gone? x

louthedinosaur00: bro, if you dont stop sending me kisses im gonna assume you really want the d.

my day was hella lazy, but then it got like 9000000 times better when you messaged me because like holy shit you are my /everything/. how was yours?

harryheartscats: Hey, maybe I do. But that's none of your business.

Gosh, I'm so blushy face emoji right now.

Well, my day has been great so far. If I'm honest, you made it a lot better. I don't talk to many people on here so I'm really excited I'm finally talking to someone!

louthedinosaur: wait, clear this up with me right now. are you gay or not bc i don't want to freak you out with my flaming homosexuality.


harryheartscats: Haha, yeah, I'm gay. I don't think I'm on the "flaming homosexuality" level of it, though.

:* x

louthedinosaur00: this great. we can talk about cute boys all day long.

yep, you want the d. what time should i deliver it?

harryheartscats: Yes we can! I haven't had a "talk about cute boys" buddy in a long time.


louthedinosaur00: alright. you're going to have to pay for the shipping, though.

harryheartscats: Nooooo, I'm broke!

louthedinosaur00: no money = no d

harryheartscats: Well, I guess I can live without it.

louthedinosaur00: you cant

harryheartscats: I can't?

louthedinosaur00: it's scientifically proven.

harryheartscats: Oh.

How did we even get on this topic? xD

louthedinosaur00: no clue, but i like it :DD

what do you like to do in your spare time?

harryheartscats: Is it lame if I say I'm really into artsy stuff? Writing is obviously one of them, but I like to do photography and paint things like my boyfriend and trees (I guess xD).

louthedinosaur00: no no that's not lame at all!

ooh you have a boyfriend? what's his name??

harryheartscats: His name is Aaron, he's a real cutie. :)

I have to go now. We are going to talk more when I come back, okay? You're super cool x

louthedinosaur00: aw aw

really? i am????! but okay, goodbye x

harryheartscats: Yes, you are. Bye bye xx

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