Chapter 13

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Callen was nervous…more than that he was downright terrified.

The team, along with Eric, Nate and Granger had joined Callen Nell and Hetty at the beach house.

It was the Fourth of July and they were relaxing Nell was drinking a soda, lying on a lounger resting her head on Callen's chest as they along with the team watched the fireworks bursting in the sky overhead.

"It's beautiful." Nell said as Callen absentmindedly rubbed her belly feeling their son move under his hand.

"It is…" he smiled looking at her and not the fireworks.

Sam standing at the door nudged Michelle and nodded in their direction. Callen reached into his pocket and took out the box he had shown Hetty a month before.

"Nell?" he started.

"Umm…" Nell said not paying much attention.

He opened the box and stuck it on her stomach, "Nicky and I would like to give you something." He said.

She looked down at a beautiful fire opal in a necklace, "Oh my God…it's beautiful!" she exclaimed looking at it as the flecks sparkled in the moonlight.

Callen smiled as he put the necklace around her neck and spied the slightly disappointed look on Sam's face, as she admired it, he smirked and reached back into his pocket and put his lips close to her ear.

"It's to go with this…." He held a smaller box out and opened it.

Nell looked inside at the antique ring held within, "I hope you like it, it was my grandmothers." He said shooting Hetty a smile.

Hetty sniffed quietly watching the others as they slowly quieted down realizing what was happening in their midst.

Nell sat staring at the box.

"Nell, I know it was a strange beginning, and a stranger few months, but I know that I love you with everything that is in me. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, if you will have me. Nell Jones…will you marry me?" He whispered in her ear.

Nell's eyes filled with tears and she bit her lip as she nodded her head, "Uh...huh…" she said, "Yes G."

She let the tears spill over as Callen slipped the ring onto her finger.

Nell turned to look him in the eye and pulled him to her for a kiss, "I love you too G. Callen." She sniffed.

Callen kissed her back, "Hey Nicky, Mommy and Daddy are getting married." He said to her stomach.

"Not until he's born to be here with us." Nell said, she was not waddling up the aisle.

The others started clapping and came over to congratulate the couple.

October 31st.

Nell sat up in bed, cradling 3 month old Nicky on her lap. His deep blue eyes so much like his fathers, as the door knocked.

"Nell…Happy Halloween!" Kensi grinned as she came into the room. "I brought you breakfast, Michelle is just doing the dishes, are you ready for today?" she asked.

Nell kissed Nicky's head and lay him gently beside her, "Yeah…I can't believe it's time already." She grinned, "Have you heard from G?" she asked.

Kensi laughed, "Sam called, Callen was up before any of them, and he's been to the beach twice, to make sure the area is secure. Oh and he said to look in your nightstand drawer?"

Nell reached into her nightstand and pulled out a white box with an aqua blue bow on it.

"Oh!" she said as she opened it and a silver charm bracelet with small silver coins on it came out, "It's beautiful."

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