Chapter 11

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Callen lay, his eyes closed letting the warm sun-rays wash over him.

"So you do remember?" Nate said.

Callen flinched, "Some…Why can't Granger accept that I haven't been compromised?"

"You have an important job Callen; you have secrets which if they fell into the wrong hands could cause a lot of damage."

Callen's face stayed impassive, "I wanted to tell Granger…I tried. Hell I'm trying to tell you…now…but I can't something is stopping me." He admitted.

Nate looked worried, "It sounds like maybe someone has hypnotized you or brainwashed you."

"No." Callen snapped sitting upright, "It's nothing like that!"

Nate wrote something down on a notepad, and turned to Callen, "I could try some relaxation techniques on you?"

Callen nodded, "I suppose I will have to." He said. "Coz I sure as hell am not going to Gitmo."

He lay back on the lounger and closed his eyes as Nate talked softly to him.

"You are going back to that day in November you are walking into the alley and…" Nate prompted.

"I can hear music, folk music it hits a cord the same as that night, the night with Nell," for a second Callen smiled, "I can smell the food too, it reminds me of when I was a child. I looked back and Sam, Kensi and Deeks aren't there…I just assume that they are further down so I walked to the door of the restaurant and walked in."

"The old woman, Nadia was sitting by the bar as I entered." Callen said, "She seemed surprised to see me," He told Nate about the conversation in the restaurant then he told him what the glowing man said.

"Glowing?" Nate asked.

"Glowing….like bright, but with no light source." Callen confirmed. "He said I could go back, but it was something to do with my blood and both of us thinking about each other, and a connection. But I wasn't supposed to be there."

Callen remembered as he had realized that he had needed to get back to his team, "I need to go." He had said looking for the door he had walked in through, it was not there.

Nadia had patted the seat by the table lovingly, "Come and sit, we can talk and then you can go."

Callen had shaken his head, "I'm a federal agent I can't be held against my will, my partner is out there he will be looking for me."

He had stood up and looked for the exit.

She shook her head sadly, "He won't find you, and you won't remember this…I promise the memories you will have will be nice ones, no one here wants to hurt you."

Callen's gut started to churn and he jumped as a loud scream came from the back of the establishment.

"What was that?" he snapped and got up towards a dark door that had appeared where he swore there was none before.

"No!" Nadia had said jumping up in warning, "You can't go through there."

"Why not?" He had asked suspiciously taking a step towards the door.

"It is not for you," she had said simply, "Come sit and talk to me." She tried coaxing him again.

However, Callen's nature as an investigator had won out and he headed towards the door as another scream rang out. Not going without a weapon, he had grabbed a knife from the table as he rushed past.

"STOP!" Nadia called worried for him.

The man's voice came from nowhere, "Callen if you step through that door you will be interfering with the timeline, and there will be an error between here and your time getting you back."

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