Chapter 12

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Nate ushered the two women out of the room.

Nell looked back as Callen sighed as if someone had just put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"What was that Nate? Has he lost his mind?" she asked worried.

Nate shook his head, "I don't know how but I think that is…from Callen's point of view what actually happened." He told them, "Whatever he did see…that was the one thing he could verbalize, but I think there was more, but we can…I can without breaking his confidentiality tell Granger that Callen is ok to go out in the field and that Ops hasn't been compromised." He said with all certainty.

Nell looked back to see Callen laying back against the chair back with his eyes closed, mumbling quietly to himself.

"Are you sure he's ok to go back into the field?" she asked worried for him.

Hetty walked out into the kitchen and started to get ingredients for a meal out, "Do you want any help?" Nell asked.

Hetty smiled and shook her head, "No my dear, you go and be with Mr. Callen…He needs you close I think and I enjoy cooking for my Nephew especially now he knows why I cook for him."

Nell turned to Nate, who had sat next to her at the kitchen island, "He is what you need right now, a break from everything for a day or so will do you both good."

"Stay here." Hetty offered, "It will be nice to have him under my roof again, he needs to be grounded here, I am not sure about your opinion Mr. Getz but I do feel he is still very disorientated,"

"I agree, it must be hard from him, considering that in his mind he is and will for a long while be six months behind everyone else. For him…in his mind it should be November, but it is actually April and he has to get used to that fact." Nate said taking the tea that Hetty passed to him as he watched the small woman move perfectly at home in her kitchen.

Nell walked in and watched as Callen rested, "Hey you." Callen said opening his eyes a bit, he patted his lap and Nell walked over and sat on his lap, putting her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you…I'm not crazy you know." He said quietly as he placed his arm gently around her waist.

Nell smiled, "I know…" she sighed as she snuggled up to him. "I would love you even if you were."

Callen looked at her and dropped a kiss on her forehead, "I know Nell, you are perfect." He said.

Nell laughed, "I'm far from perfect, but I do…we do…love you." She said making sure, he was looking at her and listening to what she was saying.

Callen was still holding the feather and he placed it and his hand over the baby, "Is he ok?" he asked.

Nell nodded and her fingers traced over the fronds of the feather Callen was holding, "It's beautiful…does it help you?" she asked.

Callen nodded, "I don't know why, but all the fears I felt while talking to Nate just dissipated, I felt safe, the only other thing that makes me feel like that is you." He admitted.

She smiled and held him tight, "Do you think you will get past this, the whole…time thing…will you be here with me?" she asked.

He looked at her worried, "I am here with you." He stated pulling her a bit closer.

"I know this is hard for you G, but I really am six months pregnant and you did miss this time, If Nate clears you for going back out into the field and we can get Granger off our backs, I need to know… are you ready to move forward…with us?"

He looked at the worry and fear in her eyes, "I can move forward with you, but I can't move forward without you…I don't want to move forward without you…you…and Nicky are everything to me." He said pulling her to him and kissing her deeply.

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