Chapter 8

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Double update, it's past midnight and I sitting in the car, doing a challenge with two of my brothers, and I got bored. So here is a double (maybe triple) update.

Harry's POV:

At the table I asked Niall if he'd like to eat his food. He ended up screaming at me twice so I had to excuse myself from the table.  I walked upstairs to my room and sat Niall down on the bed.

"Niall James Styles, you do not yell at me," I said in a stern voice.

He looked down. "Sowwy Dwaddy."

I looked at him and sighed. I can't be that mad at him. But I still had to get to why he is acting this way today. "Why are you crabby today baby?"

He shrugged and started to cry. I picked him up. "Shh. It's ok. Shh," I tried to calm him down. It didn't work.

I sighed and stood up. "Shh. Shh. You need to calm down okay?"

"No-o! Noo-o!"

Louis' POV:

"No-o! Noo-o!"

That's all I heard. Niall screaming no. He was crying. It wasn't near the kitchen, I assume they were upstairs??

Harry's POV:

"Nooo!! Nononono!"

"Ni." More cries and 'no's. "Ni." Same response. "Nialler. Calm down. What's wrong?"

"Noo-o!" he sniffles out.

"No what, Niall?"

"No up!" he screams. "Down!"



"What's down?"

He points to my bed. "You wanna sit on the bed?" He nods, but is still crying.

I sat down with a crying Niall in my arms. I started bouncing him up and down on my lap. He started to calm down. "Do you want to come with Daddy to get something?" He nods so I stand up and he gave me more tears.

I walked to the bathroom to get the Mosen Thermometer (for both ear and forehead). I set Niall on the counter and he started screaming. I got the Tylenol out just in case I need it. I chose the ear part for the thermometer to use and Niall looked terrified. I picked the stuff up. When tried to pick him up he started to kick and scream. So I put down the stuff.

"Niall," I started to whisper, "Nialler.... Niall... Ni.... Shh. Shh. It's ok... It's ok." He stopped crying. "Yeah.. Yeah. There you go... Shh... It's ok."

Now he is clinging to me and I'm able to grab the stuff. I head back to my room and see Louis carrying a sleeping Liam. "Oh. Um.. W-we finished dinner and, um, the twins got tired.... I hope you're okay with them going to bed."

"Oh.. Of course. They don't need to stay up if they are tired," I tell him. I'm a little disappointed I don't get to see him for a while. But Niall needs me right now so it's okay, for now.

Louis' POV:

I heard Niall screaming soon after we all finished dinner. I carried Liam to the guest room because he was almost asleep. Zayn said he could walk.  Zayn beat me to the room. By now Li is asleep and I see Harry with Niall.

"Oh. Um.. W-we finished dinner and, um, the twins got tired.... I hope you're okay with them going to bed."

He said that it was fine, but I still feel bad. "I could help you with him when I'm done, if you'd like?"

"Nono. You're my guest, I wouldn't let you do that. I swear."

"Okay. Let me know if you need help."


A few seconds later I was in the room, Zayn asleep on the chair. I layed Liam down on the bed and walked to the chair. He was so cute there. I tried to pick him up and he squirmed. "Mmh."

"Zayn come on," I whispered loudly. "You need to sleep in the bed."

"No. I wanna sleep here."

"Okay. You are able to sleep in the bed with me and Li okay?"


Harry's POV:

I sat on the bed and pulled out the ear thermometer. Niall started crying as loud as he could. "Shh. Niall it's ok."

"No hurt?"

"No baby. It goes in your ear." I put it in my ear to show it didn't hurt. "See?"


He let me take his temp and it reached 102°F. Explains why he's crabby. I gave him 2 mL of Tylenol to help him. It took a while to convince him to drink it. When I finally got him to, I asked him if he wanted to sleep in his bed, but he shook his head and held onto me tighter.

"Ok Ni. Hey let's watch cartoons ok?" I turned on the tv in my room and Spongebob came on. "Want Spongebob?" He nodded tiredly.

He soon fell asleep, but wouldn't let go of me. Each time I moved he would wake up. A couple times he started crying so I needed to calm him down.

I was switching through channels when I heard shuffling from the guest room and then whispers. Then a 'please'.

I got out of bed, with Niall of course. "Fine," I heard a loud whisper.

"Yay," another whisper.

Ni is asleep. I saw two little head poking up and when they saw me, they went down. So I walked to the side of the bed that I assumed the heads were poking up on.

"What are you two little munchkins doing?"

They were giggling. "Sorry Dr Styles," Liam said.

"You can call me Harry, Liam."


"Me too?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, of course you can. Now why were you up?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I got told I could sleep in the bed if I wanted and Li wouldn't move so I can..."

"Because I is comfy." Liam defended himself.

"Hey! I wasn't done!"

Louis moved a little.

Louis' POV:

I heard Zayn yell. I moved a little but kept my eyes closed.

"Shh. You're dad is still asleep." What is harry in here for? I know it is his house but why in the middle of the night?

"Sorry," Zayn whispered. "So after he wouldn't move I wanted to talk, cuz not tired anymore."

"I didn't wanna but he con -conv- I don't know the word."

"Convinced you?"

"Yeah. That."

I smiled.

"Well, your dad is having a good dream. Let's go to bed okay?"

I didn't hear an answer but then he talked again, so I think they nodded. "Ok. Night."

"Night Harry."

"Night night Harry."

My chapters are going to get longer, any ideas, let me know. Hope you like it, please, vote and comment.

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